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Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 437.

I was a guest this week on Morgan Meets the Eye, with Evan Morgan (recorded July 26, 2024). We discussed a variety of issues, including argumentation ethics, self ownership, using (possessing) vs. owning and possession vs. ownership, parents and children, my estoppel theory of rights, the state and law, punishment vs. restitution, corporations and limited liability, and so on. Many of these issues are touched on in my book Legal Foundations of a Free Society (Houston, Texas: Papinian Press, 2023). [continue reading…]


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 436.

I was interviewed today by Kelly Patrick of the Kelly Patrick Show ep. 777. I fielded questions from his The Kelly Patrick Show Political Chat facebook group, mostly questions from nonlibertarians or people critical of libertarianism. We discussed the prospects of liberty, activism, why people are not persuaded by libertarian arguments, the prospects of the Libertarian Party, intellectual property, anarchism, and so on.



Hello prof. Kinsella. I would like to ask you a quick question. Do you consider libertarian as synonymous with anarcho-capitalist? Obviously there are many libertarians who are more classical liberals, but a libertarian consistent with his premises should be an anarchist, in this sense would he be a synonym for anarcho-capitalist? [continue reading…]

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On the Core Principles of Libertarian Property Rights

[see also Gary Chartier, “Intellectual Property and Natural Law” https://c4sif.org/2022/07/gary-chartier-intellectual-property-and-natural-law/]

LFFS ch. 4, ”


ch. 4:

“The libertarian view is that individual rights—property rights—are assigned according to a few simple principles: self-ownership, in the case of human bodies; and, in the case of previously-unowned external things (conflictable resources), in accordance with principles of original appropriation, contractual title transfer, and rectification.”

note 11:

“As Narveson writes:
Robert Nozick has most usefully divided the space for principles on the subject of property into three classes: (1) initial acquisition, that is, the acquisition of property rights in external things from a previous condition in which they were unowned by anyone in particular; (2) transfer, that is, the passing of property (that is to say, property rights) from one rightholder to another; and (3) rectification, which is the business of restoring just distributions of property when they have been upset by admittedly unjust practices such as theft and fraud.

Jan Narveson, The Libertarian Idea, reissue ed. (Broadview Press, 2001), p. 69. See also Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia (New York: Basic Books, 1974), ch. 7, section I; Roderick T. Long, “Why Libertarians Believe There is Only One Right,” C4SS.org (April 7, 2014; https://c4ss.org/content/25648) (“Libertarian property rights are, famously, governed by principles of justice in initial appropriation (mixing one’s labour with previously unowned resources), justice in transfer (mutual consent), and justice in rectification (say, restitution plus damages)”); and“Gary Chartier, Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society (Cambridge University Press, 2013), at 64–65, et seq., elaborating on the “baseline possessory rules” corresponding to original appropriation and contractual title transfer. Regarding transfers made for purposes of rectification, see ibid., chap. 5, “Rectifying Injury,” esp. §II.C.2, and “A Libertarian Theory of Punishment and Rights” (ch. 5), at Parts IV.B and IV.G.”


“ “KOL259 | ‘How To Think About Property,’ New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2019,” Kinsella on Liberty Podcast (Feb. 9, 2019).”

“Aggression and Property Rights Plank in the Libertarian Party Platform,” StephanKinsella.com (May 30, 2022);”



Persian Translation of Against Intellectual Property

Against Intellectual Property has been translated into Farsi (Persian):  کینسلا، استفن (۱۴۰۱). علیه مالکیت فکری. ترجمه محمد جوادی. تهران:‌ نشر آماره. ۱۸۸.

Trans. Mohammad (Amir) Javadi, Alayh-e Malekiat-e Fekri (Tehran: Amareh Press, 2022). (online) [continue reading…]

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Desyllas: Three Theories of Parental Obligations

Interesting post by Jake Desyllas:

Three Theories of Parental Obligations

One of the most important philosophical questions relating to the family is whether parents have enforceable positive obligations towards their children. How you answer this question depends on your theory of the relationship between parents and children. Here are 3 major theories of that relationship: [continue reading…]

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Libertarian Answer Man: Are Airline Tickets Future Goods?

Dear Mr. Kinsella:

I’m a huge fan of your work and if it’s not too much trouble, I wanted to ask your input regarding the practice of airline overbooking and how this may relate to theft from a libertarian perspective. I recently watched libertarians on Twitter/X arguing about this issue so I wanted to get your take.
When you buy an airline ticket, and on the day of the flight the flight is overbooked, and you’re not allowed to board the plane ,and you don’t get your seat, is the airline commiting theft?
The argument is that when you buy an airplane ticket you’re buying a future good (a future plane seat) and so on the day of the flight you gain title to an airplane seat, and if the airline doesn’t give you the seat they’re stealing from you.

[continue reading…]


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 435.

I was interviewed by Daniel Morena Vitón and Luis Abram for a Spanish libertarian podcast, as he initially told me: “The interview is about some legal questions of libertarianism, for a new libertarian association in Spain founded by Jesús Huerta de Soto, the ‘Austrian Libertarian Association.'” I believe there were technical problems with the recording of the first question or two, so I was asked to repeat my answer near the end; sure how they ended stitching this together or editing this.

From their shownotes (Google autotranslate):

Stephan Kinsella will give the keys regarding various topics from intellectual issues that concern libertarianism such as intellectual property and the challenges that it entails, as well as more current topics such as libertarians in politics or the current libertarian parties that the political landscape houses.


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