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Kinsella Interviewed by YAL

I was interviewed recently by Matt Cockerill of Young Americans for Liberty. Our interview covered several topics, such as minarchism vs. anarcho-libertarianism, the non-aggression principle, gay marriage, restitution vs. retribution, intellectual property, and pessimism and activism. Here are the audio file; the Youtube version is below:

[LRC cross-post]

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  • Paul Vahur October 8, 2009, 4:45 pm

    Good interview. I have heard the ideas that you explained in this interview before and I agreed with them, but listening them tonight kind of brought them really home for me. Especially the last part about working for liberty but realizing that it probably will not arrive in your lifetime and maybe never but it’s still worth striving for. That what makes it a good life for libertarian. As the saying goes “Life’s a journey, not a destination”.

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