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Stupid People

Things people do that instantly persuade me they are fricking morons and technically illiterate:

1. They tell me they can’t open a PDF file I created. It’s usually because I save it in 6.0 format and you have to have Acrobat Reader 5.0 or above to view it. The person usually has 4.0 and does not even realize it. IDIOT.

2. They tell me an URL in an email I sent them does not work. They are too stupid to realize the URL was broken in two and they are too clueless to paste it together.

3. Their email is sent to me in plain text. Meaning they are too fucking stupid to turn on the HTML.

4. People too fucking stupid to configure their email to send their proper name plus their email address.

5. I send them an email with a file attached and every time they reply to me they send me the file ack.

6. People who have never learned CTRL-C, CTRL-X, and CTRL-V for copy, cut, paste, and instead use the stupid mouse to drop down the edit window to cumbersomly cut and paste.

7. Also annoying, but not necessarily “stupid,” is the habit of some people putting their names in email messages in a large, stupid script font, sometimes in a different color. People: LESS IS MORE.

8. Ryan McMaken also pointed out to me–“I’m suspicious of anyone who uses one email for the whole family — i.e. ‘Jones Family.'”

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