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Noonan on the Election

Peggy Noonan is such a good writer on occasion, even if she is a warmongerer. Great title–“He’s Got Two of ‘Em” (i.e., balls); and these comments seem like pretty good analysis of why Bush won:

I think Mr. Bush, the better man in terms of character, was also the more normal man. And we like normal. He loves sports and business and politics, and speaks their language. Normal. His wife is important to him, and his kids seem a bit of a mystery to him, and perhaps even to some degree intimidating. Normal. He thinks if bad guys attack New York City and the Pentagon, we go after them and kill them–normal. He thinks marriage is between a man and a woman–normal. He thinks if Baptist preachers in a suburb of Louisville have an after-school plan that has an excellent record of turning kids from juvenile delinquency to thinking about college, those Baptist preachers should be helped and encouraged every way we can, and it has nothing to do with “church and state.” Normal. He thinks if there’s an old plaque bearing the Ten Commandments on the wall of the courthouse you should leave it alone–it can’t hurt, and it might help. Normal.

Plus, she’s kinda hot.

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