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Adventures in Nannying

Our baby is now in school from 8:30 to 3:00 every day, so the nanny does housework and errands etc. for us during those hours. Yesterday I asked her to go to 2 grocery stores and the drug store, and also asked her to drive by a local cafeteria–it’s like a Luby’s or Piccadilly. I asked her to get 2 meals for the wife and me, and wrote it down on a list. I made the mistake of showing her the cafeteria’s full menu and circled about a dozen items we like there, that she could resort to in case they were out of one of the items I had written down, or that I request in the future. She called me that afternoon and told me she ran out of money, had to dip into her own wallet. I was perplexed since I gave her ample funds for all the errands. Then it dawned on me. My fridge is now full of white styrofoam meal containers from the cafeteria. She ordered everything I had circled. I could not stop laughing. She was so embarrassed. She said the lady at the cafeteria wondered why so much food, and she told her she assumed I was having company that night. Thank God some of the things I had circled were daily specials throughout the week so they didn’t have them. I told her not to bring her lunch today as we have plenty of food in the fridge.

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