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More annoyances

People who say “I was taken back” instead of “taken aback”. Don’t use fancy expressions if you have no real idea of what they really are.

Recipes that call for chicken stock. I have no idea what chicken stock is. I only have cans of broth.

Recipes that say to use a “broiler”. what the heck is a “broiler”? I have an oven. It has a broil feature, but I have no idea when it it to be used, and whether that means I have “a broiler” or not. Sheesh.

Recipes that refer to a pot as a “sauce pan”. I always thought there were pots, and pans. Pans are the low-rimmed things you can fry in. Pots are the deeper things you can boil in. So what in the world is a sauce PAN? Obviously what is meant is a pot, why not call it one.

I hate people. They’re such idiots.

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