Three comments.
1. There is a little town north of Houston, named Humble. For some reason it’s pronounced the Eliza Doolittle way, ‘umble. It’s disconcerting to hear Houston truckdrivers refer to ‘umble. I just can’t say it. I have to say Humble. It sounds like too much an affectation to say ‘umble.
2. In movies when someone finds dead body with the eyes open, they do this weird wave of the hand where the open hand closes they eyes. What the f*** is that? When were we supposed to have learned this trick, right after we catch flies with chopsticks?
3. This stock scene in movies is annoying: where a repressed or unable-to-state-their-true feelings repressed conservative Hollywood stereotype is hugged and is unable to return the hug… his hand sort of cups into an “I want to hug you” motion but just can’t complete it. What nauseous Hollywood crizzap. (Sorry, Jesse, I guess I’m still “bitter and hate-filled.”)
4. Just saw Angels in America. It makes me realize, liberal homosexuals think it’s all about them.