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My Bigot

Burger King Marcus had an interesting suggestion the other day. Since the hypersensitive, dimwit-Serioso libertarians and other intellectually bankrupt moral blowhards continue to label everything they don’t like as racism, bigotry, anti-semitism, etc., why not adopt a strategy from the African-American community. Blacks often refer to each other by the N-word, as in, “What up, my N__?!” We should do the same with bigot. When greeting each other, for example, we could say, “How goes it, my bigot?” Or, “Bigot–what you up to?!” Two guys tangling in a bar: “Look, bigot, get OUT MY FACE!” To your unemployed brother-in-law: “Bigot–when you gonna get a J-O-B?” If you see a fine girl, you could say, “Man, oh, man, what this bigot would do with that!” Since we are slapped with their silly, overwrought labels, let’s take it from them, make it our own! You dig, my bigot?

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