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Lawyer apology

I also apologize for being a lawyer. And, er…, for being a self-hating lawyer. And… for stealing the “self-hating” term from the dimwit-Seriosos (2).

See Rothbard, “The December Suprise,” in The Irrepressable Rothbard:

When Lew Rockwell, in response to the doctored Rodney King-tape, humorously suggested outlawing camcorders, he was deluged by protests from dimwit and serioso libertarians. But he was the first person to raise a serious concern that must be dealt with.


Re: In Case You Were Wondering

Woods’s post is a fantastic and courageous. It’s about time we quit caving in to the dimwit-Serioso libertarians and other politically-correct language fascists. Who do these clowns think they are? These intolerant, brainwashed yippies are in no position to cast down judgments and demand apologies, backstabbing, crawfishing (how we Cajuns say backtracking), explanations, and disproofs of negatives (“prove you’re not a racist!”). These people pretend to be unimpeachable inquisitors; but they are really just shrill, desperate, sanctimonious pests, who are becoming increasingly irrelevant. The day is coming once more when these parasites of political correctness will need to establish their reputations by actually achieving something other than proving loyalty to the state’s moral codes by chanting in unison with its PC wailings. These entities deserve no replies; they are in no position to demand explanation of behavior they deem to be politically incorrect. As Vernon Dozier would say, they can all go to the land of hades!

“Political Correctness”

Posted by Stephan Kinsella at February 17, 2005 05:04 PM

Tucker tells me he thinks the term “PC” is no longer accurate. I am not sure what term to use instead, e.g., to refer to “PC” type libertarians. I like the Rothbard term “Dimwit and Serioso” libertarians. They are, after all, by and large humorless drones.

“Totalitarian/egalitarian” libertarians comes to mind too. Also possibly applicable is one I started using, “Cocktail Party” libertarians. I kind of like that one. The type who want to impress the Beltway cocktail party set.

I refer of course to the type that call you a bigot if you burp; the kind who think you are a neo-Confederate holocaust denier and slavery sympathizer if you happen to believe Lincoln was a murdering tyrant engaged in an unconstitutional war. The “hair-trigger” libertarians. The ones who laughingly pose as Randian-style Grand Inquisitor types. What is the best term for these people?

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