The Video Record of Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society (Program) are now available, including:
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World” [Spanish translation; German translation]
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution. Reflections on Social Evolution” (Mises Blog post with further information)
- Guido Hülsmann, “The Great Crash of 2009: Causes and Consequences”
- Robert Higgs, “The Costs of the American Empire”
- Paul Gottfried, Why Does the Managerial State Deny Human Inequality?
- Steve Farron, The Affirmative Action Hoax
- Douglas French, On Good (Commodity) Credit and Bad (Fiduciary Credit). Experiences of a Former Banker
- Thomas DiLorenzo, The Unholy Alliance: State and Central Bank. American Experiences
- Mustafa Akyol, Kemal Ataturk: The French Connection
- Peter Mentzel, Conflict Arbitration in a Multi-Legal System: The Case of the Ottoman Empire
- Sean Gabb, What is the “Ruling Class?”
- Theodore Dalrymple, In Praise of Prejudice
- Steve Sailer, Barack Obama: America’s Half-Blood Prince
- André Lichtschlag, “Political Correctness” in Germany. A Report from the “Anti-Fascist” Front Line
- Carlos Gebauer, Public Health and Private Sickness – The Law of Governing Bodies, Administrative Corpses, and Ailing Citizens. Illustrations from Germany
- Carlo Stagnaro, Global Warming? So What!
- Robert Grözinger, “Interview of Sean Gabb”
PFS09 Guido Huelsmann “The Great Crash of 2009” from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.