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Hoppe Festschrift Published

Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, co-editor, with Jörg Guido Hülsmann (Mises Institute, 2009). Files/information:


Today the Mises Institute announces the publication of Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, edited by Jörg Guido Hülsmann & Stephan Kinsella.

Hoppe Festschrift coverFrom the back cover:

Hans-Hermann Hoppe is one of the most important scholars of our time. He has made pioneering contributions to sociology, economics, philosophy, and history. His important books include Handeln und Erkennen (1976), Kritik der Kausalwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung (1983), Eigentum, Anarchie, und Staat (1987), A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (1989), The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993, enlarged 2nd edition 2006), Democracy—The God That Failed (2001), and The Myth of National Defense (editor, 2003). He is the founder and president of the international Property and Freedom Society, which promotes scientific debate in combination with intransigent libertarian radicalism.

Now Professor Emeritus of Economics at UNLV and Distinguished Fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Hoppe and his writings have inspired scholars around the world to follow in his footsteps and to provide a scientific foundation for individual freedom and a free society. The present festschrift honors the occasion of his 60th birthday.

The festschrift contains personal testimonies and essays in Professor Hoppe’s preferred research areas, such as political philosophy, democracy, and economics. The contributors are colleagues, collaborators, and former students from all over the world, including Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Sean Gabb, Jesús Huerta de Soto, Robert Higgs, Frank van Dun, Paul Gottfried, Joseph T. Salerno, Walter Block, and Thomas J. DiLorenzo. The Festschrift was presented to Professor Hoppe at a private ceremony on July 29, 2009, in Auburn, AL during Mises University 2009 (see Pictures from Hoppe Festschrift Presentation Ceremony). This 400+-page, 35-chapter book is available for purchase at the Mises Store (and Amazon) and also as a free PDF download [local copy] [and epub]. (My own contribution is chapter 20, “What Libertarianism Is.”) The contents are listed below.


Introduction – Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Stephan Kinsella [also published as “Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe,” Mises Daily, Aug. 7, 2009]


1. A Life of Ideas – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
2. Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the Political Equivalent of Nuclear Fusion – Sean Gabb
3. The Power of Argument in a Crazy World – Remigijus Šimašius
4. Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the Libertarian Right – Paul Gottfried
5. Marxism Without Polylogism – Jeffrey A. Tucker
6. A Knight of Anarcho-Capitalism – Yuri N. Maltsev
7. Helping Future Generations of Scholars – Edward Stringham
8. A “Loveable Son of a Gun” – Roland Baader
9. Appreciation and Gratitude – John V. Denson
10. A Student’s Appreciation of Professor Hoppe – Jeffrey Barr
11. The Vegas Circle – Lee Iglody


12. Uncompromising Radicalism as a Promising Strategy – Philipp Bagus
13. Abraham Lincoln and the Modern State – Luigo Marco Bassani
14. The Sociology of the Development of Austrian Economics – Joseph T. Salerno
15. Business Ethics: In the Crossfire Between a Code of Conduct and Black Sheep – Eugen-Maria Schulak
16. Against Standard Law & Economics: Austrians and Legal Philosophers on Board – Martin Fronek and Joseph Šíma


17. Toward a Libertarian Theory of Guilt and Punishment for the Crime of Statism – Walter Block
18. A Note on Intellectual Property and Externalities – Hardy Bouillon
19. Classical Liberalism versus Anarcho-Capitalism – Jesús Huerta de Soto
20. What Libertarianism Is – Stephan Kinsella
21. Classical Natural Law and Libertarian Theory – Carlo Lottieri
22. Why We Have Rights – Christian Michel
23. Freedom and Property: Where They Conflict – Frank van Dun


24. The Trouble With Democracy: Maslow Meets Hoppe – Doug French
25. An Epistemic Justification of Democracy? – David Gordon
26. Democracy and Faits Accomplis – Robert Higgs
27. Against the Primacy of Politics—Against the Overestimation of the Majority Principle – Robert Nef


28. Hoppean Political Economy versus Public Choice – Thomas J. DiLorenzo
29. Securitization and Fractional Reserve Banking – Nikolay Gertchev
30. Hoppe in One Lesson, Illustrated in Welfare Economics – Jeffrey M. Herbener
31. The Demand for Money and the Time-Structure of Production – Jörg Guido Hülsmann
32. Risk, Uncertainty, and Economic Organization – Peter G. Klein
33. The Nature of Socialism – Mateusz Machaj
34. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism – Mark Thornton
35. TPR, Entrepreneurial Component, and Corporate Governance – James Yohe and Scott Kjar

Archived comments:


Manuel Lora July 29, 2009 at 9:02 pm

GREAT! Congratulations to NSK and the publishing team.

Lord Buzungulus, Bringer of the Purple Light July 29, 2009 at 9:30 pm

This is indeed wonderful news.

Bruce Koerber July 29, 2009 at 9:47 pm

Another great cover design!

I knew Hans was well respected and brilliant but I did not realize the scope of his influence. Happy 60th birthday to Hans Hoppe, one (and all the days that follow) hopefully free from the harrassment of those whose egos prevent them from seeing the pure logic of liberty and ethical economics.

Conza88 July 29, 2009 at 11:02 pm

Hoppe’s site is reported as an attack site with FireFox…

Should get that checked out…

Gaurav Ahuja July 29, 2009 at 11:06 pm

I have not read many of these essays and/or paper- length articles. They sound great. This book sounds like something many Austro-libertarians would want to buy if they are to keep on top of the wide range of issues within the Austro-libertarian world. Thank you to the authors, editors, and publishing team.

Augie July 30, 2009 at 2:16 am

Conza88 same thing here.

Steven July 30, 2009 at 4:50 am

Great! The man is first class.

Curt Howland July 30, 2009 at 10:00 am

With that cover, I’m imagining blond fem-fatals, heavy cigar smoke, cheap whisky and the bad guys having German accents.

Horst Muhlmann July 30, 2009 at 10:46 am

This is Hans-Hermann Hoppe we’re talking about.

The GOOD guys have German accents in this case.

Curt Howland July 30, 2009 at 3:39 pm


That’s why the italics of irony. :^)

Ludwig van den Hauwe August 31, 2009 at 2:45 pm

Congratulations to Prof. Hoppe! First class indeed! -except on the philosophy of probability where he is very, very bad… :-)

Buzungulus Unleashed August 31, 2009 at 3:06 pm

OK Ludwig, don’t leave us in suspense: what’s wrong with Hoppe’s account of probability?

LvdH September 6, 2009 at 12:41 pm

The paper has been published; or just look it up in the familiar databases.

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