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RepRep: “China on your Desktop”

RepRap–the Replication Rapid Prototyper–may be on the way. It’s a “3D printer” which can be used to fabricate useful plastic items which would otherwise have to be mass produced–and even replicate itself. So if you make one using the open-source plans, you can print another for a friend. And so on. As Google’s Chris DiBona says, “Think of RepRap as a China on your desktop.” It’s been talked about for a long time but looks like it’s nearing reality.

Update: Reader Tommy Montgomery writes: “Computer technologies have created virtual miracles in our time! The RepRap is amazing but rather primitive compared to commercial versions that are on the market for a reasonable price that a real shop can afford. Jay Leno demonstrates a 3d scanner and a working part made from the scan with a 3d printer in his own shop on his Youtube channel.”

(Thanks to David Blackstone; LRC Cross-post)

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