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Without Borders: Dispatches for Intellectual Adventurers, Investors and Speculators

Without Borders is an interesting fee-based monthly newsletter subtitled “Dispatches for Intellectual Adventurers, Investors and Speculators” published by one Fitzroy McLean, its “Chief Bon Vivant and Speculator.” The newsletter “is one part finance and investment, one part geopolitics and one part globalist libertarian philosophy.”  McLean tells me the newsletter is an “account of how I spend my time and allocate my capital with a healthy dose of capitalist and libertarian rhetoric.”

McLean is an interesting character–a West Point graduate and former Army Ranger and Special Operations Officer who served throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, before being recruited into the CIA’s Clandestine Service where he earned his living running covert and paramilitary operations. But now he’s an anti-government “Libertarian with Anarchist and Hedonist tendencies.” Check it out.

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