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“Feser on Rothbard as a Philosopher,” by Gerard Casey [Libertarian Papers, Vol. 1 (2009), Art. No. 34]

Libertarian Papers, Vol. 1 (2009), Art. No. 34: “Feser on Rothbard as a Philosopher,” by Gerard Casey

Abstract: In “Rothbard as a philosopher” (Feser 2006) Edward Feser harshly criticises the philosophical abilities of Murray Rothbard. According to Feser, Rothbard seems unable to produce arguments that don’t commit obvious fallacies or produces arguments that fail to address certain obvious objections. His criticism centres on what he regards as Rothbard’s principal argument for the thesis of self-ownership. In this paper, I attempt to show that Feser’s criticism fails of it purpose and that Rothbard is very far from being the epitome of philosophical ineptitude that Feser takes him to be.

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