I confess: I am an avid listener of various Slate magazine podcasts, mainly the Slate Political Gabfest, Slate’s Culture Gabfest, and Slate’s Spoiler Specials. The hosts often use words that I find notable or interesting. I formerly called this feature “Pretentious Terms of the Slate Podcast Literati.” But after debate and reflection, I am changing it to the more ungainly and accurate, but less insulting and offensive, “Interesting and Notable Words and Phrases.” These are words and turns of phrase I find interesting, or delicious, or perhaps a bit too fancy or strained or, yes, in some cases, maybe pretentious, or even misused. But usually just interesting and notable. (Or as Metcalf called them on a recent episode, “SAT words.”)
[See also my list of Annoying & Pretentious Terms; and Frequently Mispronounced Fancy Words]
- alternadad [SM, CG05-19-10]
- anodyne [EB, PG7-17-09; DP, PG10-30-09; JT, CG11-17-09; DP, PG01-07-11]
- annus horribilis [CG#40]
- antipatica [JuneT, CG10-19-11]
- arrogate [PG10-9-09]
- arrivistes [SM, CG11-4-09]
- “at university” [JT, CG04-21-10]
- au courant [JT, CG03-31-10]
- august (adj.) [JT, CG04-28-10; DS, CG10-19-11]
- auteur [JuneT, CG10-19-11]
- avant la lettre [SM, CG0-12-10]
- avidity [DS, CG04-14-10]
- baleful [SM, CG04-21-10]
- banal [PG8-27-09]
biopic [JT, CG10-05-11]
- bookend [PG10-30-09]
- bourgeois [JuneT, CG10-19-11]
- bowdlerized [JT, CG06-16-10]
- callipygian [CG04-28-10]
- carapace (SM, CG11-17-09)
- chanteuse [CG#40]
- congeries [SM, CG10-19-11]
- contrapuntal [JT, CG11-10-09]
- cowl [SM, CG04-21-10; SM, CG05-19-10]
- curated [DS, CG05-05-10]
- déclassé [SM, CG11-4-09]
- denatured [DS, CG01-20-10]
- desuetude [SM, CG03-30-11] (mispronounced)
- detritus [DS, CG05-19-10]
- diacritic [DS, CG10-05-11]
- dint [DS, CG05-19-10]
- efficacity [DS, CG01-27-10]
- elegiac [CG05-05-10]
- ennui [SM, JT, CG10-05-11]
- épater les lesbiennes (June Thomas, CG01-20-10) 19:00
- épater les bourgeousie [Jodi Rosen, CG04-14-10]
- epigrammatic [JT, SM, CG10-14-09]
- eponymous [Alice Tynan, guest from Australia, CG04-21-10]
- extant [SM, CG10-19-11]
- falstaff [SM, CG10-05-11]
- frenetic [SM, CG0-12-10]
- funereal [SM, CG05-19-10]
- garret [DS, CG04-21-10]
- gestalt [JR, CG04-14-10]
- grog [SM, CG10-05-11]
- frisson
- gamine [DS, CG01-20-10]
- garret [JT, CG06-16-10]
- giant nougat of incivility [CG9-16-09, SM]
- gonzo [CG#40-all 3 hosts]
- haute bourgeois [Jodi Rosen, CG01-13-10]
- hidebound [DS, CG04-21-10]
- impresario [SM, CG04-14-10]
- imprimatur [PG8-27-09, and Emily mispronounces it as im-PREE-muh-tyure–at 24:00]
- inchoate [SM, CG04-14-10]
- Indestructible omnibot of a pop tartlett (JT, CG11-17-09, referring to Lady GaGa)
- insouciance (EB, XX11-19-09]
- Janissary [SM, CG10-05-11]
- je ne sais quoi [SM, CG0-12-10]
- Johns Hopkins [SM, CG04-21-10]
- joie de vivre [JT, CG05-19-10]
- lacque (lack? black? — IKEA color/style) [JT, CG10-05-11]
- lability [DS, CG11-4-09]
- l’esprit de l’escalier [CG9-16-09, SM, a new one on me, I’ll admit]
- logrolling [JT, CG01-12-11]
- louche [JT, CG10-05-11]
- lugubrious [SM, DS, CG05-19-10]
- malaise [pronounced “muh-lezz”] [CG04-14-10]
- martinet [DS, CG11-4-09]
- materiel [JD, PG10-9-09]
- mettle [DS, CG10-05-11]
- milquetoast [PG7-17-09, guest host Chris Beam]
- milieu [JT, CG9-9-09]
- mimetic fallacy [SM, CG05-19-10]
- nascent [JR, CG04-14-10]
- nettlesome [SM, CG03-31-10]
- objet d’art (DS, CG01-06-10)
- oeuvre [DS, CG9-9-09; other occasions]
- on Martha’s Vineyard [PG 8-12-09, Plotz–as if everyone knows it’s an island]
- optics [DP, PG10-30-09]
- paean [DS, CG11-4-09]
- pastiches (JT, CG11-17-09)
- patois [DS, CG04-14-10]
- patrimony [CG#40; SM, CG11-4-09]
- perfervid [DP, PG10-16-09]
- peripatetic
- peripatetically [DP, PG8-12-09]
- plaudits [DS, CG11-10-09]
- portmanteau [DS, CG03-24-10]
- précis [SM, CG05-19-10]
- presages [DS, CG03-30-11] (possibly mispronounced)
- priapic (SM, CG01-06-10)
- programmatic [DS, CG11-10-09]
- proselyte [SM, CG05-19-10]
- provocateur [DS, CG04-14-10]
- quotidian [DS, CG06-09-10]
- raconteur [DS, CG10-14-09]
- rather (pronounced “rahh-ther”) [SM, CG05-19-10]
- reasonable expectation of privacy [SM, CG04-21-10]
- recherche [DS, CG01-27-10]
- risible [JD, PG9-11-09; SM, CG10-19-11]
- rumpy-pumpy (June Thomas, CG12-23-09)
- samizdat [SM, CG04-21-10]
- sanguine [JT, DS, CG05-19-10]
- sartorial (JT, CG01-06-10; SM, CG04-21-10)
- satyriasis (SM, CG01-06-10)
- simulacrum [SM, CG01-12-11]
- slanket [JT, CG04-28-10]
- slattern [SM, CG10-7-09]
- SoHo [JT, CG10-05-11]
- somatizes [DS, CG01-20-10]
- sonorous [EB, PG01-07-11]
- spanner (for wrench) [JD, PG7-17-09]
- sprezzatura [SM, CG#?; DS, CG05-12-10; DS, CG05-19-10]
- spriteliness [JT, CG05-19-10]
- stigmeditation (?) [JT, CG10-05-11]
- Sturm und Drang [JD, PG11-6-09]
- sui generis [SM, CG10-7-09; EB, PG10-30-09]
- sussed out [CG#40]
- syncopated [DS, CG04-14-10]
- synecdotal [SM, CG01-13-10]
- synesthete (DS, CG01-13-10)
- tchotchkes [SM, CG10-05-11]
- tic [JuneT, CG10-19-11]
- totem [SM, CG10-7-09]
- transom [DS, CG10-7-09]
- treacly [JT, CG11-4-09]
- TriBeCa [SM, CG11-4-09; JT, CG10-05-11]
- triptych [CG9-16-09, DS]
- trope [Emily Bazelon–all the time; SM, DS, CG03-31-10]
- twee (SM, CG11-17-09)
- umlaut [JT, CG10-05-11]
- ungainly [JT, CG10-05-11]
- valence [SM, CG05-12-10; JT, CG06-16-10]
- verklempt (JT, CG12-23-09)
- wheelhouse [DS, CG04-28-10]
- zaftig (June Thomas, CG12-23-09)
- zeitgeist (SM, CG12-23-09)
Words I’m Waiting to Hear on the Slate Literati Gabfests
- alarum
- antinomy
apparatchik- atavistic
august (as in old)- ballyhooed; much-ballyhooed; long-ballyhooed
- beyond cavil
- bids fair
- brisance
- bucolic
- chowder
- clapboard
- Cockaigne
- cohort
- cordite
- doppelganger
- ennui
- ersatz
- erstwhile
- familiar (noun: as in, companion, or member of household of a high official)
- fillip
frenetic- frisson
- halcyon
- hangdog
- high dudgeon
- hirsute
- insouciant
- jejune
- laconic
- let slip the dogs of war
- man of letters
- manque
- nod
- pleonasm
- repast
- resplendant
- sabre-rattling
- sanguine
- scintilla
- shuffle off this mortal coil
- slake
- “speaks to”
- splenetic
- stigmergic
- stolid
- sue for peace
- sylvan
- terra firma
- turgid
- unawares
- vainglory
- vaunted or much-vaunted
- vouchsafe
- wag
- wainscoting
- well-nigh
- worry a bone
- writ large
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