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Our Demonrat Allies

Incisive comment made by one Charles Anderson on a Facebook page: “The U.S. troops in Iraq & Afghanistan must be home now. How else to explain the silence of Miss Garafalo, Mr. Springsteen, and Mr. Penn?”

Update: Jonathan Shusta writes:

Also in the same vein as Garafalo et al. is the lesser known internet comic “get your war on” by David Rees. It began on october 9, 2001; guess what day it went silent? January 20, 2009.

Spencer Hahn writes:

Although I am not shocked by the silence of the celebrities and politicians who vociferously opposed the war when it was headed by Bush, I am pleased to see that the World Can’t Wait — which has protested against the Afghan and Iraq wars since the beginning — continues to oppose what are now Obama’s wars.

Please give them the publicity that they deserve, and be on the lookout for them on October 5th, when they will hold a “Protest at the White House against Obama’s Wars.”

P.S. I’m proud to say that I had the honor of successfully defending (pro bono) one of the WCW’s protesters in Portland, Oregon, after a trumped up series of arrests a few years ago at the October 5th protest.  The nearly dozen co-defendants all won their cases after nearly 18 months of waiting for their day in court.

[LRC cross-post]

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  • Jayel Aheram September 13, 2009, 6:04 pm

    I was wondering the same thing. The anti-war movement seems to have vanished the moment Obama was sworn in.

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