In this TED talk [Youtube; go to around 13:48 to about 15 min] Larry Lessig explains how copyright law chokes creativity … but that copyright abolitionists are wrong and extremists. Hunh? See also Reflections on Abolitionism: Copyright and Beyond.
In this TED talk [Youtube; go to around 13:48 to about 15 min] Larry Lessig explains how copyright law chokes creativity … but that copyright abolitionists are wrong and extremists. Hunh? See also Reflections on Abolitionism: Copyright and Beyond.
Stephan Kinsella is a libertarian writer and patent attorney in Houston, Texas. He has published widely on various areas of libertarian legal theory and on legal topics such as intellectual property law and international law. His publications include Legal Foundations of a Free Society (Papinian Press, 2023), Against Intellectual Property (Mises Institute, 2008), and International Investment, Political Risk, and Dispute Resolution: A Practitioner’s Guide (Oxford, 2020).
My Failed Libertarian Speaking Hiatus; Memories of Mises Institute and Other Events, 1988–20192025
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Yes! That talk of his was the first time that I had serious doubts about the Copyfight as a movement that had a coherent and principled rationale for opposing Intellectual Property. He was my hero for a while and that talk of his was a disappointment.
I discovered your work through Lew Rockwell (and in turn, through the Ron Paul campaign). I emailed him asking him what was the libertarian thought regarding IP. I did not really identify myself as a libertarian then, but I was curious. Anyway, he suggested that I read “Against Intellectual Property.” I did and ended up finding someone else to look up to.
Anyway, thank you for being consistent, principled, and above all coherent.
PS: I find it amusing that became a libertarian through the Copyfight.
Stephan, I saw that video shortly after it was released and thought it was wonderful, but, like you, found Lessig’s conclusions a little… strange.