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“Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Economics and Political Theory,” Liberty in the Pines Conference (March 2013)


Stephen F. Austin State University‘s Young Americans for Liberty chapter and the Charles Koch Foundation will be hosting a conference called “Liberty in the Pines” (facebook event) later this month at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas (about 2 hours N of Houston). I will be speaking on “Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Economics and Political Theory.”  Stefan Molyneux will also be speaking, and Jeff Tucker will deliver the keynote. Walter Block will conduct an “Ask a Libertarian” Q&A session (remotely), and other speakers will appear as well. I’m looking forward to it.


When is your Event?:
Saturday, March 23, 2013 – 10:00am- 6:00pm local time

1936 North Street
Nacogdoches, TX, 75962
United States

For some background on some of the issues I’ll touch on, see:

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Dr. Dottie Gottshall March 7, 2013, 6:21 am

    Please include me in your list of participants for the March 23, 2013 free conference at Stephen F. Austin State University. Also, please advise if there is an official registration procedure that I need to complete.
    This will be my first time to attend such an event as I am recently learning about libertarianism. Please direct me to a website or other resource that you believe would give me appropriate, early background knowledge before the conference.
    Thank you.

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