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Note: An article based on the transcript (below) was published as Stephan Kinsella, “Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection,” The Libertarian Standard (Oct. 25, 2022). An updated and revised version of this article appears as chap. 11 of Legal Foundations of a Free Society (Houston, Texas: Papinian Press, 2023).


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 395.

From the recently-concluded Sixteenth Annual (2022) Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sep. 17, 2022). The video as well as slide presentation is also streamed below (ppt). I also recorded a version on my iphone.

Also podcast at PFP245 | Stephan Kinsella, “Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection” (PFS 2022). See the following panel discussion at PFP246 | Hülsmann, Fusillo, Israel, Polleit, Kinsella, Discussion, Q&A (PFS 2022).

Transcript below. See published article based on this talk, here: Stephan Kinsella, “Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection,” The Libertarian Standard (Oct. 25, 2022; https://libertarianstandard.com/selling-does-not-imply-owning-and-vice-versa-a-dissection/); also at Freedom and Law substack.

See also Walter Block’s response: Walter E. Block, Block, “Rejoinder to Kinsella on ownership and the voluntary slave contract,” Management Education Science Technology Journal (MESTE) 11, no. 1 (Jan. 2023): 1-8 [pdf]

For others, see the PFS YouTube channel, including the PFS 2022 YouTube Playlist.

[For those interested in the Hoppe ringtone mentioned in the beginning: see this Facebook post or the opening to this podcast by Jared Howe.]


Panel discussion:

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Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 394.

This is my appearance on Robert Breedlove’s What Is Money podcast, Ep. WiM216 (Youtube channel). This is Ep. 2 of the “Stephan Kinsella Series.” For Ep. 1, see KOL391 | Hoppe’s A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, Ep. 1 with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show.

From Robert’s Episode notes: “Stephan Kinsella is an American intellectual property lawyer, author, and deontological anarcho-capitalist. He joins me for an in-depth conversation about the book “A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism: Economics, Politics, and Ethics” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe.”



Interesting article that Academia.edu alerted me to: Octavian-Dragomir Jora,  Gheorghe Hurduzeu, Mihaela Iacob & Georgiana-Camelia Crețan, “‘Dialectical Contradictions’ in the Neoclassical Theory and Policy Regarding Market Competition: The Consumer and His Continuous Burden of Crisis,” Amfiteatru Economic Journal, Vol. 19, no. 45 (2017), pp. 544–65 [ISSN 2247-9104, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest; pdf]. Fascinating when mainstream articles cite and adopt radical libertarian arguments. I guess there is some value to our publishing efforts after all.


It is also argued that both business people and companies “give up” the right to complete freedom when engaging in cartelization and the restriction of production because such behaviour violates the rights of potential consumers. We encounter here a great misunderstanding of rights: the producers have their property (as property owners or mandated managers) and possess all the rights associated with it, including the absolute right not to use their property at all; consumers have full rights over their property, including the absolute right to spend or not their own money. In the most common approach, freedom is the right of a person to dispose of his body (self-ownership), of what he firstly appropriated from nature through processing (homesteaded) or obtained voluntarily. And no other arrangement can be argued as being non-contradictory, for each act of argumentation involves mutual recognition of the selfownership along with the ownership of the other belongings of the participants, qua “teleological extension” of their persons, necessary to the full comfort of the dialogue (Hoppe, 1993; Kinsella, 1996).


Magness on Hoppe; the Kochtopus and the Mises Caucus

Phil Magness, who has been solid on many libertarian matters (see e.g. his appearances on the Tom Woods show), started criticizing Hans-Hermann Hoppe a couple years ago and has recently ramped it up.

For example, back in 2019, Magness tried to link Hoppe’s views on immigration and race to his PhD adviser Habermas (see this 2019 Facebook post and his article Racial Determinism and Immigration in the Works of Ludwig von Mises). As I pointed out in the comments to the FB post, however, the critique was confused. More on this in the Appendix below.

Later, Magness started ramping up his accusations and insinuations, such as this tweet: [continue reading…]


KOL393 | Trying to Talk Some IP Sense into Dennis from Las Vegas


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 393.

After a Twitter spat with Las Vegas Libertarian about IP (see here and here), I offered to have a discussion with him. I didn’t make much headway, but it was a fun, robust discussion. Oh well. I tried.


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from Mark Maresca:

From the White-PillBox: Part 29. Achilles Heel edition 3

Anarchist influencers are finding ways to leverage the vulnerabilities of many of the State’s Achilles Heels.

This is the third in a sub-series of the White Pill essays examining some of the State’s vulnerabilities. This installment continues the discussion about the State’s weak spots presented in the previous two essays, and identifies some human White Pills – people in the anarchist space actively striking at some of these Achilles Heels 1. [continue reading…]


KOL392 | Café Bitcoin Tuesday


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 392.

I was asked to make a guest appearance on SwanBitcoin’s Café Bitcoin Tuesday today, with host Alex, where we discussed ownership of bitcoin, property rights, bitcoin maximalism, money vs. language, bitcoin and free speech, and related matters.

It was also posted on their podcast feed (iTunes; Spotify; google) and I include here my segment.



“No Offense, Kinsella”

I have had a private freewheeling libertarian email discussion list for many years, and many private memes have emerged. I used to gaslight someone by adding “No offense, John” after a comment that I wanted to signal was an implicit insult or critique of their views. So now they all say “No offense, Kinsella” or “NOK” whenever they disagree with me or when they gather on occasion, since I used to criticize “artificial gatherings” instead of “organic”  (even though I attend many “artificial gatherings” a year, so now they’ll get together and say “artificial gathering alert, NOK” or something like that).

Here are some samples over the years: [continue reading…]


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