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I’ve come across something pretty cool–favicons. This is an icon that replaces the default Microsoft Explorer “e” in the address bar of Interent Explorer next to the URL. For examples of some nice ones, see: FoxNews, Amazon.com, Google, and Slate. If you have trouble seeing the icon, try “dragging” it with your mouse to a blank space in the address bar, and “drop” it there; doing this once or twice usually makes it show up. Favicons only display when using Internet Explorer 5.x and above; for more info on how to see Favicons that are not appearing, see this Webmonkey page. I just downloaded the new Internet Explorer 6, which also handles them well. For more information on favicons, see the Webmonkey icons tutorial; to design your own, see Favicon.com; and for samples, see Favicons.com. My new favicon (StephanKinsella.com Favicon) was prepared by Favicon.com; they will design one for you for $75.

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