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Cigars, Spirits, Dames, Diversions, and the Right to be Politically Incorrect

Thanks to my good buddy Russ Lindenfeldar, patent lawyer with Engelhard, who was in town the other night and with whom I did some carousing, along with another patent lawyer buddy, Mark Gilbreth, I’ve discovered a new beer: Chimay, made by the Trappist monks in Belgium. Comes in three flavors, red label, blue label, and triple, and are top fermented and refermented in the bottle. The large bottle has a champagne type cork that pops when you uncork it. Meant to be served in a wide-mouthed glass, it’s wonderful. (Okay, this has little to do with law or IP, but I love beer so much I had to tell.)

While I’m on the topic of alcohol, my former patent-lawyer boss Bill Norvell introduced me to the truly fine Blanton’s bourbon (and several varieties of tequila, but that’s another story). The Mises Institute’s Joe Stromberg gave me my first Elijah Craig bourbon experience. And my PhD EE former co-worker, Jim Baillargeon, initiated me into the world of scotch, especially his favorite, Lagavulin. My fellow patent lawyer Warner Delaune of Baton Rouge gave me some additional cigar and scotch tips.

And while I’m on this topic–I love the politically-incorrect site SmokeThis!, by “Cigar Dave”, who hosts the Smoke This! radio talk show. I particularly like his sense of humour and the Cigar Dave Motto:

Live the good life. Drink, smoke, gamble, feast, joke, fornicate and be tolerant of those who do. Take risks and thrive for the good challenge. Work hard and play hard without going over the edge. Live in the moment. Believe in moderation in all things, including moderation. Live it up!

You gotta love this guy. He calls cigars “sticks,” his female fans his “harem,” his listeners “Cigar Lieutenants,” and opens his show with the greeting “Long Ashes.” His site has features like Cigar Dave’s “Babe Magnet” Cologne Selections, Living Like Bond (Interview with author of the “Complete James Bond Lifestyle Seminar”), and Top 10 Cities for the Hottest Delicious Dames. His message to a “whiney” email that complained he “advocates” cigars: “My show does not ‘advocate’ cigar smoking. My show advocates enjoying life’s great pleasures. Amongst them: cigars, spirits, dames, diversions, and the right to be politically incorrect. I advocate treating yourself after a long stressful day or a hard week.”

***Update: Man, am I am amateur! Here’s an email from a Belgian friend, whose knowledge of the suds puts me to shame. Oh well, something to look forward to… “So you like a Belgian beer! Chimay is not my favourite. It isn’t even the best Trappist beer on the market. If you’d ask me, the best Trappist is Westmalle, with Sixtus coming close. Right now Leffe is very popular. Anyway, is it the same quality you get over there that we serve here in the home of the abbaye-beers? […] [Other good Belgian beers include]: a Duvel (devil), Judas, Delirium Tremens, Verboden Vrucht (forbidden fruit), Kasteelbier (castle beer), Geuze, Hoegaarden, Graal (grail) or one of the other 200 or so Belgian beers.”

***Update: at the advice of my Frenchy friend Alex Padilla, check out www.realbeer.com, where you can order Belgian beer delivery.

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  • Neverfox July 17, 2009, 2:31 pm

    Unfortunately, your Belgian friend is right. Chimay is basically the entry-level, USA-mass-marketed Belgian. That doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Hey, it’s Belgian. But I am surprised your friend didn’t mention Trappistes Rochefort, especially the “10” version; it is a life-altering drink. But get it while you can because the word is that they are going to stop exporting it. Buy every bottle in sight and cellar them.

    If you go to Belgium, you’ll want to get Trappist Westvleteren 12. It is the Holy Grail of Belgians but they never export it. You have to work for this baby.

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