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Libertarians on War

In recent posts (post2), I discussed various disputes among both pro-war and anti-war libertarians, including this pro-war article by David Brown. See the interesting rebuttals by Justin Raimondo and L. Neil Smith. Writes Raimondo:

Gee, it’s always Israel with these Objectivists—why is that? For a philosophy that disdains “tribalism,” hates religion, and deifies “reason,” isn’t it a little odd to be (literally) flying the Israeli flag? Yet the latter-day saints of the Objectivist faith have taken up the cause of Israel more fiercely than the most fanatical mystics, either Zionist or Christian. Here is a country based on religion, whose existence is justified by Biblical passages, founded by radical socialists, and which regularly bulldozes the private property of the original inhabitants into oblivion. How do we explain the heirs of Ayn Rand lining up behind Labor Zionism and the heirs of Vladimir Jabotinsky? What a coalition: Ariel Sharon, Pat Robertson and Leonard Peikoff. They deserve each other.

You know–ol’ Justin asks some pretty darn good questions sometimes, doesn’t he!

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