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Voicemail peeves

I hate long outgoing voicemail messages that waste the caller’s time by having to listen to pointless information. I like it short and sweet: “Please leave a message” is good enough. Or, “I’m not here: here’s the beep.” My wife hated the one I left on our home voicemail, it said “LEAVE … A … MESSAGE” in a robotic voice.

Why do people need to say, “I’m not in right now, but if you leave a message, I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for calling, and have a nice day.” I want to tear what’s left of my hair out when I have to suffer through such meandering, time-wasting crap like that. Why do you even need to say, “you’ve reached the Kinsellas.” Duh. If it’s a stranger or wrong number, why give them your name? If it’s someone who you want calling you, they already know your name.

Also annoying is when people say, “I’m unavailable to answer the phone right now.” Look, you can say “I’m unavailable” or you can say “I’m unable to answer the phone,” but what the hell does “unavailable to answer the phone” mean?

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