I mean ones that have staying power, that are very enjoyable, and that you like to watch multiple times. Off top of my head, these are:
4 Stars
Sound of Music
Godfather 1 and 2
Star Wars IV, V, VI
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Groundhog Day
Terminator 2
Matrix 1
Dr. Zhivago
Annie Hall
The Graduate
Finding Nemo
3.5 Stars
some of the Star Trek movies, like 1, 2, 3, 4
Ordinary People
Life of Brian
Some of these were suggested by Paul Comeaux, along w/ some others I didn’t include, such as the pretentious black and white ones everyone pretends to like but never really watch (like Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, All About Eve, even Clockwork Orange, which is dated and almost laughable now in some ways, etc.).
Any more obvious ones I’m missing? (Roger Ebert has a list of great movies, I need to check it out…)