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Gmail invites

In response to a previous request for gmail (Google mail) invites on the LewRockwell.com blog, I received a bunch–more than I need. Some of the senders agreed to offer them to the LRC community (or others, presumably). Their email addresses and messages or invites are listed below:

  • Paul [evilpaul@gmail.com] writes: “I’ve got three Gmail invites that I’d like to share with any interested LRC reader or writer.”
  • Chris Pruden [cdpruden@gmail.com] has 5 gmail invites to give away
  • tex.mac@gmail.com: I have some invitations, too. I’ll be glad to send them to whoever is interested
  • villa.straylight: I just checked my 2 gmail accounts and I have 13 invites total to give away. They’ll have to be anonymous donations (I have an uncommon name that so far doesn’t appear in search engines!) and use my other address “spindle@gmail.com” instead of this one. I’ll use the same priorities as the other guy, authors then readers
  • Joshua Paulin [joshua.paulin -at- gmail.com] offers: http://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-e9284b0f1e-ae5f99fa8c-f34565fac5 ; and he also writes: ps, I have 6 more sitting over at my other account: joshua.paulin@gmail.com if you know of any other deserving LRC peeps
  • Adam Jones [ajones@gmail.com] offers: http://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-c542fb7dda-8be7cbb278-84842339b7
  • Eric Liebman [liebman@gmail.com] offers: http://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-630950d64f-323d065735-bfba629560

p.s.: if you don’t know what gmail is you probably don’t need it!

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