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Muslim Humor

Someone sent me this email. I want to say that I am posting these jokes as a public service simply to show how insensitive some people are. These jokes are completely tasteless and I object!

Here are some jokes from that crazy Muslim standup comic….. ladies and gentlemen please give it up for…. Goffaq Yussef!

  • Good evening gentlemen, and get out, ladies. You have no right to be having a good time.
  • On my flight to New York there must have been a Jew in the bathroom the entire time. There was a sign on the door that said “occupied.”
  • What do you say to a Muslim woman with two black eyes? Nothing! You told her twice already!
  • How many Muslims does it take to change a light bulb. None! They sit in the dark forever and blame the Jews for it!
  • Did you hear about the Broadway play, ‘The Palestinians’? It bombed!
  • What do you call a first-time offender in Saudi Arabia? Lefty!
  • Did you hear about the Muslim strip club? It features full facial nudity!
  • Why do Palestinians find it convenient to live on the West Bank? Because it’s just a stone’s throw from Israel!
  • Why are Palestinian boys luckier than American boys? Because every Palestinian boy will get to join a rock group
  • A small plane carrying Yassir Arafat and all his top lieutenants crashes and all aboard are killed. Who is saved? The Palestinian people!
  • Two Israelis are in an elevator when the doors open and a Palestinian gets on. After the doors close, the Palestinian lets out a huge, noisy fart. The doors open again and the Palestinian gets off. One Jew looks at the other, wipes his brow and says, “Thank God! Must have been a dud!”
  • What does the sign say above the nursery in a Palestinian maternity ward? “Live ammunition.”
  • A Palestinian girl says to her mommy, “After Abdul blows up, can I have his room?”
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