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Protestants and Vitamins

Two unrelated thoughts:

First, re Protestants–my family has a mix of full Christians (i.e., Catholics) and semi-Christians (i.e., separated brethren, i.e. Protestants). So at Thanksgiving, Christmas, you never know who’s going to say the blessing. Usually’s it’s a Protestant. It occurs to me that Catholic blessings are to Protestant blessings, as old-style dance is to modern dance. In the old days, you would learn the steps to the waltz, rumba, foxtrot, etc. I don’t like to dance, but did learn some of these for my wedding, and they are not too painful, at least. At least you know when you are dancing well or not. But I have always hated the sort of free-style, unplanned, uncooridated, jerk-your-arms and legs around type of dancing youngsters do in dance clubs. It’s horrible. I feel idiotic when I do it.

When Catholics say a blessing, it’s usually the standard, “Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts…” But when Protestants say a blessing before a meal, they just ramble on and make it up as they go along: “Dear Lord, Thank you for … letting Steph and Cindy arrive safely yesterday, and for letting the family be together this holiday, except for Ronnie who is out deer hunting–and please Lord let him have a successful, safe hunt–and … please let us keep … ummm … meeting here like this in the future to have family … get-togethers, … and bless this food which is our sustenance, … and … nourishment. Of our souls. In-jaysus-name-we-pray.”

Re vitamins: why are vitamins given boring letters, like C, K, B-12, whereas elements get cool names, like Helium, Einsteinium, etc.? If I were a vitamin I’d be upset at the disparate treatment, though I would console myself that I am made up of elements.

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