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Ghertner the Bleater

More replies to snot-nosed, hypocritical, ridiculously holier-than-thou punks on Catallarchy: Whaddya want? A cookie? and The N-Word.


Kane–right on. Ghertner’s views are schizophrenic because he is in thrall to the incoherent standards of the PC left.

Nesbit, a few points. First, I speak only for myself. So Garrison need not be “embarrassed” by me.

Second, I am calm. Very calm. This is all a joke to me, as a matter of fact. I don’t take any of the PC gnats seriously.

Third, who gives a rat’s ass if Ghertner “supports” Hoppe? With friends like him, who needs enemas?

Fourth, my “ridiculous accusations about a comedian being quoted” are no more ridiculous than the bleatings of Ghertner and his brainwashed, hypocritical, leftist, dimwit-Serioso ilk about HHH being a “bigot”. HHH is a great man who devotes his life to promoting liberty and individual rights for all; and in person is warm and gentle and does not have a bigoted bone in his body. If Ghertner could get his head out of his ass and have a bit of humility, and not be a snot-nosed punk like all the youngsters now apparently are becoming, he might see this, or at least bite his fucking tongue before making such stupid, evil statements.

Fifth, don’t even imply Hoppe has made bigoted statements. It’s a lie, and anyone who makes such lies is a lowlife scumbag. You don’t want to be a scumbag, now, do you, Nesbit?


You don’t like being caught up in the hypersenstiive standards of your own making do you?

HHH does not have “anti-homosexual views”.

Stupid, silly, petulant brat. Hypocrite. Grow up. Why are today’s boys such PUSSIES?


“They are upset at me because in the past I have called Hans-Hermann Hoppe a bigot for his anti-homosexual views.”

Thank God you are such a nobody that no one has to be “upset” with what you say. You are just useful as an example of the brainwashed leftist punks college is generating nowadays.


“My problem with Hoppe has never been with his use of a particular epithet, but with his ordinary language hatred of homosexuals,”

You brainwashed, insippied moron. He nowhere does that.

“and his equating them with all sorts of (libertarian defined) criminals.”

And he equated childern and old people with criminals too! He’s ageist too! Gasp! What a PUSSY!

“As I explained then, this doesn’t mean that I hate Hoppe or think that he is terrible thinker or person.”

Oh, how fucking GENEROUS of you! What petulant brats we see nowadays.

“We all have our flaws, and much of what Hoppe has to say about economics and libertarianism is valuable and important.”

Really? Then why did you join in the Not Reason ridicule and jeering of the idea that he is a world-renowned and important figure? You asshole.

“But that does not mean that he should be given a free ride when he says hateful things about homosexuals. If we wish to remain thoughtful and reasonable people and not fall into the ideological traps that many orthodox Objectivists, Marxists–and for that matter many mainstream Democratic and Republican party activists fall into, then we must be willing to criticize each other’s flawed views.”

Not when your comments are tantamount to character assassination and libel that are serious charges that demand more than your silly, college-boy politically correct Princess and the Pea standards, boy. Not when you join in the jeering of a great and significant thinker by a bunch of jealous, envious, malicious loser nihilists. Prove yourself before you dare to comment on a man as great as that. Punks, fucking punks.

As for your little lecture on racial epithets, do you really think anyone needs you to explain to us in kindergarten language the various types of racial epithets? Please.

“These critics were trying to make me look inconsistent or hypocritical for criticizing Hoppe’s anti-homosexual bigotry, and they did so in an abusive, unserious, and troll-like manner. That is not the kind of argument that deserves a reasonable response.”

The reason you got such a reply is that YOU do not deserve a reasonable response, you irresponsible ingrate punk. YOU are the one who blithely joined with the PC mob in hurling the damaging “bigot” charge, based on stupid, flimsy, paltry “evidence,” and using ill-defined, vague, self-contradictory, incoherent, arbitrary, unjust, but obviously hair-trigger standards–standards which would no doubt ensnare your own comments. The point is to show that your STANDARDS ARE RIDICULOUS since they catch even you. You can tip-toe all you like and bend over backward trying to mollify the PC police but nothing you say will ever be good enough for them. To do this is to make the mistake of granting them the right to be the grand inquisitors, as if their character and standards are beyond reproach, or at least better than yours; when, far from it, they – and you, who have joined them – are far worse.

Grow up, be a man, and get a conscience.

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