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Stupid email signatures and quote marks

I hate it when people put their name in the signature line of emails in a stupid, large, different-colored, script-like font. Like they are gonna fool me into thinking it’s a “real” signature? Morons!

Also: people who use quotation marks for emphasis, or inappropiately. E.g., on a sign in a restaurant, it might say, “No cell phones, please.” What are the quote marks for? What do they add? Are they trying to specify that they are quoting someone? If so, what would it matter? Dumb dumb dumb.

I feel like a big fish in the small pond that is the world.

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  • vehicle wrap installers April 1, 2016, 12:50 pm

    After I moved into my store I trusted (but did not get in writing) a
    promise” to erect signage for our strip mall.

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