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Web Poll: Libertarianism and Retribution

I’ve been discussing the issue of restitution versus retribution with some other libertarians. One of them maintains that force may be used against an aggressor only in self defense, or to compel restitution, but that it is unjust to ever purely punish an aggressor–that it is always disproportionate, and in fact violate’s the aggressor’s rights. I disagree. He also maintains that most libertarians are restitutionists not only in the sense that they prefer or predict a restitution-based justice system (as I do), but they also believe as he does that punishing an aggressor necessarily violates the aggressor’s rights. I do not think proportional punishment violates the aggressor’s rights, nor do I think most libertarians believe this. Participate in the poll below, so we can find out.

Libertarianism and Retribution

Does proportionally punishing an aggressor violate his rights?

Maybe/not sure

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