I’ve been involved lately in several debates about the referenced issues lately. Links to my own posts, other posts related to mine, and other related ones are linked below:
- Dyslexic Vandarchists of the World–Untie! (NSK on LRC)
- In which little heads pop up for air (leftlibertarian.org)
- Kinsella on the Chicago Sit-in: “Shoot ’em” (Freedom demonrats)
- Shoot the looters!, LewRockwell.com (Sept. 22, 2008)
- The Republic Windows and Doors factory occupation (Brad Spangler) (and my comments)
- Dialogue of the Damned: Corporate Limited Liability (again) (Brad Spangler)
- Long on the Corporation (Peter Klein)
- Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Septa (Roderick Long)
- Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Nona (Roderick Long)
- Cato Institute Publishes Leftist Screed!, Pars Decima (Roderick Long)
- Against Destruction (Freedom Democrats)
- Corporations and Limited Liability for Torts (NSK on Mises blog)
- Left-Libertarians on Corporations “Expropriating the Efforts of Stakeholders” (NSK on Mises blog)
- The Conflation Conflict (Kevin Carson)
- The Conflation Conflict, Continued: Part V: Stephan Kinsella vs. Kevin Carson (Kevin Carson)
- Left-Libertarians and the Corporate Income Tax (NSK on LRC)
- Vaguely Defined Property Rights Indeed (Instead of a Blog)
- Open the Borders, End the Housing Glut (NSK on LRC)
- Lawyers without Borders (Roderick Long’s reply)