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Objectivists: Yes, States are Criminal: So What?

From an Objectivist blog. This demonstrates that the Objectivists will even grant you that all states are criminal, but this doesn’t phase them from their pollyana belief that we still need states:

Epistemological Anarchy

By Don: If you have ever debated the issue of limited government versus anarchy with an anarchist, you have undoubtedly run into this argument: “Every government in history has violated individual rights, so what grounds do you have for believing there could be a government that doesn’t?”

In fact, our own Stephan Kinsella raised this point in his current discussion with Dave Harrison. He said, “All of our experience and history shows all states to ride roughshod over citizens’ rights.”

(Dave’s response was perfect: “To some extent or another, depending on the state. And therefore what?”)

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