An audiobook of my monograph Against Intellectual Property (Mises Institute, 2008; Mises Store; PDF; Scribd; HTML) has been prepared. The narrator is Jock Coats, who produced a very impressive, professional-quality product. The audiobook, about 1 hour, 54 minutes in length, is available in .mp3 format and in .m4b iTunes book format (each about 57M). The .m4b file has chapter breaks built in. It’s also available in a version and on iTunes U.
Great! Now that you’ve put it out publicly, I guess I can open up the page on my site too to visitors?
Will it be on the site too?
We were expecting it to be. They had some qualms about the irony embodied in my announcing the title, author and then the copyright notice and are I think going to come back to me with a preferred form of words for me to tack in around there to explain that they have copyright but want people to share it.