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Walter Block’s Libertarian Autobiography Archive

An LRC search yields several entries in this series:

  1. My Libertarian Life by Roderick T. Long

    Jan 4, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. My Libertarian Life. by Roderick T. Long. I’ve been fortunate enough to
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/long2.html – Cached

  2. It All Began With Fred Schwarz by Gary North

    Dec 16, 2002 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. It All Began With Fred Schwarz. by Gary North
    www.lewrockwell.com/north/north145.html – CachedSimilar

  3. Walter Blockized by Peter Walters

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Walter Blockized. by Peter Walters. I was born in Vancouver, British Columbia,
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/walters1.html – Cached

  4. Libertarian in Reverse by Daniel McCarthy

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Libertarian in Reverse. by Daniel McCarthy. It may be a bit bold of me to submit my
    www.lewrockwell.com/dmccarthy/dmccarthy39.html – Cached

  5. A Libertarian Odyssey by Ken Schoolland

    Oct 9, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Libertarian Odyssey. by Ken Schoolland by Ken Schoolland
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/schoolland1.html – Cached

  6. How I Became a Libertarian by Roy Halliday

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became a Libertarian. by Roy Halliday. The first one to influence my thinking in
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/halliday1.html – CachedSimilar

  7. A Student of Mises and Rand by George Reisman

    Jan 22, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Student of Mises and Rand. by George Reisman
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/reisman1.html – CachedSimilar

  8. The Loneliness of the Long-time Libertarian by John Hasnas

    Dec 23, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. The Loneliness of the Long-time Libertarian. by John Hasnas
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/hasnas1.html – CachedSimilar

  9. Rothbard and Hayek: A Personal Memory by Ronald Hamowy

    Jul 3, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Rothbard and Hayek: A Personal Memory. by Ronald Hamowy
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/hamowy1.html – CachedSimilar

  10. How I Became a Libertarian by Stephan Kinsella

    Dec 18, 2002 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became a Libertarian. by Stephan Kinsella
    www.lewrockwell.com/kinsella/kinsella9.html – Cached
  1. How I Became a Libertarian by Chris Matthew Sciabarra

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became a Libertarian. by Chris Matthew Sciabarra. Growing up in Brooklyn,
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/sciabarra1.html – Cached

  2. On Becoming a Libertarian by Allison Brown

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. On Becoming a Libertarian. by Allison Brown. I have a slightly different take on the
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/brown2.html – Cached

  3. A Political Odyssey by James Ostrowski

    Dec 10, 2002 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Political Odyssey. by James Ostrowski
    www.lewrockwell.com/ostrowski/ostrowski37.html – CachedSimilar

  4. Confessions of a Practicing ‘Socialist’ by James V. Schall

    Jun 20, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Confessions of a Practicing ‘Socialist’. by James V. Schall
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/schall1.html – CachedSimilar

  5. How I Became a Christian Libertarian by Steven Yates

    Dec 22, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became a Christian Libertarian
    www.lewrockwell.com/yates/yates87.html – CachedSimilar

  6. Austrian Economist by Accident by Fernando Zanella

    Feb 28, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Austrian Economist by Accident. by Fernando Zanella
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/zanella1.html – CachedSimilar

  7. How I Became a Libertarian by Robert Stewart

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became a Libertarian. by Robert Stewart. Unlike many of your other contributors,
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/stewart4.html – Cached

  8. Being Libertarian — I Only Seek the Truth by Ernest Hancock

    Dec 26, 2002 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Being Libertarian – I Only Seek the Truth. by Ernest Hancock
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/hancock1.html – CachedSimilar

  9. Looking Back and Forward by Spencer Heath MacCallum

    Dec 19, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Looking Back and Forward. by Spencer Heath MacCallum
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/maccallum1.html – CachedSimilar

  10. A Lasting Encounter by Alvin Lowi, Jr.

    Jan 8, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Lasting Encounter. by Alvin Lowi, Jr. My social “enlightenment” (such
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/lowi1.html – CachedSimilar
  1. The Accidental Libertarian by Richard A. Epstein

    Jul 12, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. The Accidental Libertarian. by Richard A. Epstein
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/epstein-richard1.html – CachedSimilar

  2. Another Path to Libertarianism by Bruce L. Benson

    Jan 18, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Another Path to Libertarianism. by Bruce L. Benson

  3. Against the Grain in Agricultural Economics by E. C. Pasour, Jr.

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Against the Grain in Agricultural Economics. by E. C. Pasour, Jr. by E. C. Pasour, Jr.
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/pasour1.html – Cached

  4. My Path of Reason by Tibor R. Machan

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. My Path of Reason. by Tibor R. Machan. For me, being a libertarian has a lot to do with
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig/machan12.html – Cached

  5. How I Became a Liberal by Alejandro Chafuen

    Dec 19, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became a Liberal. by Alejandro Chafuen by Alejandro Chafuen
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/chafuen1.html – CachedSimilar

  6. My Life as a Libertarian by D. T. Armentano

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. My Life as a Libertarian. by D. T. Armentano by D. T. Armentano
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig/armentano5.html – Cached

  7. How I Didn’t Become a Libertarian by Gordon Tullock

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Didn’t Become a Libertarian. by Gordon Tullock by Gordon Tullock
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/tullock1.html – Cached

  8. Homegrown Libertarian by Mark Thornton

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Homegrown Libertarian. by Mark Thornton by Mark Thornton. Geneva is a small town in the
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig/thornton9.html – Cached

  9. Studying Under Murray by Doug French

    Dec 24, 2002 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Studying Under Murray. by Doug French
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/french2.html – Cached

  10. What? Libertarian? by Robert Klassen

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. What? Libertarian? by Robert Klassen. Isn’t it curious how so many individuals arrive
    www.lewrockwell.com/klassen/klassen34.html – Cached
  1. A Libertarian from the Womb by Karen De Coster

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Libertarian from the Womb. by Karen De Coster
    www.lewrockwell.com/decoster/decoster71.html – Cached

  2. The Legacy of Two Jewish Men by Michael Miles

    Jan 3, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. The Legacy of Two Jewish Men. by Michael Miles
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/miles3.html – Cached

  3. In the Spirit of Murray Rothbard: Austrian, Libertarian and

    Feb 8, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. In the Spirit of Murray Rothbard: Austrian, Libertarian and Thomist
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/meng2.html – Cached

  4. To Be Conceived in Liberty by Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

    Jul 31, 2003 The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. To Be Conceived in Liberty. by Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/klitgaard1.html – Cached

  5. Libertarianism and the Old Right by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Libertarianism and the Old Right. by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
    www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/oldright.html – CachedSimilar

  6. Free-Marketeer at the Fed by Robert Formaini

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Free-Marketeer at the Fed. by Robert Formaini. I grew up in a JFK-democratic household
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/formani1.html – Cached

  7. Reflections on Becoming an Austrian Economist and Libertarian, and

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. Reflections on Becoming an Austrian Economist and Libertarian, and Staying One

  8. The Reluctant Anarchist by Joseph Sobran

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. The Reluctant Anarchist. by Joseph Sobran. My arrival (very recently) at philosophical
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/sobran-j1.html – CachedSimilar

  9. A Short Intellectual Autobiography by Mary Ruwart

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Short Intellectual Autobiography. by Tyler Cowen. When I was very young, about ten,

  10. My Journey to Libertarianville by Marc J. Victor

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. My Journey to Libertarianville. by Marc J. Victor. I’ve always been a loud mouth.
  1. A Journey in Libertarianland by Eric Mack

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. A Journey in Libertarianland. by Eric Mack. In a way, it all began with Boswell’s The

  2. How I Became an Austrian School Libertarian by Sam Bostaph

    The following story is part of Walter Block’s Autobiography Archive. How I Became an Austrian School Libertarian. by Sam Bostaph. I grew up in Fort Worth,
    www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/bostaph1.html – Cached
{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Jayel Aheram March 30, 2010, 10:45 pm

    That is awesome.

  • Credit Card Machine March 27, 2012, 9:09 pm

    Cliff, I think escapist hindi cinema does a far greater service to the wretched Indian masses than say Manjha or SDM ever couldit lifts them out of their misery for three glorious hours..which is why SRK and AB are icons today, and funnily enough the actuals slumdog kids would anyday rather go see Rab Ne or Dostana than Gulaal or SDM!.Truth is that the niche segment of the population that actually watches indie films is not affected by the issues being portrayed onscreen..that is the greatest irony.A case in point..popular tv series Balika Vadhu that sheds light on social evils against child-women in rural India, is mostly watched my middle-upper middle class housewives who have never had to experience the horrors of the dust caked interiors..A social worker who works with actual victims of the crimes that are portrayed on BV said to me that she really wished they had access, time or permission to watch those shows..you think these fat, bored obtuse behenjis sitting in their Lokhanwala or Greater Kailash living rooms are moved enough to actually do anything about it? No Way. Which is why your argument that movies can enlighten people and make a difference in the areas they shed light does not hold weight at all..

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