This is funny. The Slate Culture Gabfest (just about my favorite podcast) had a contest for the best “conversion story”—where a listener would turn some friends or others on to the podcast. One of the entries was by Taylor Roesch, a documentarian.

Coincidentally, Roesch interviewed me at my house a few months ago for a documentary (see Who Owns You? — Gene Patent Documentary), and during libations and sticks after, I mentioned the Culture Gabfest and we found we had a mutual interest. Since I am the notorious “gray-scale croissant” commentator on their Facebook page [see some entries here], Taylor mentioned this in his entry. Go to 35:30 or so of the March 30 episode (mp3); here’s the excerpt [
]. It’s very funny; Taylor almost won, but, alas, the blind kiwi listening to the podcast on a donkey in the Grand Canyon edged him out. Metcalf refers to me as a “nettlesome libertarian.” Ha!
Update: See Slate’s Metcalf on Libertarianism and Nozick, Mises Blog (June 22, 2011)
That part of the podcast made me laugh. I don’t go to the Facebook page as often as I used to, but I’m definitely familiar with the croissant. Jolly good fun.