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Hoppe’s Festschrift, Property, Freedom, and Society, now in ePub

As announced on B.K. Marcus’s post at the Mises blog today (see below), the Hoppe festschrift that Guido Hülsmann and I edited, Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Mises Institute, 2009), which was already available in PDF and print, is now available in a free epub format as well. Kindle and other ebook formats should be available soon. The festschrift was presented to Professor Hoppe, just a month or so before his 60th birthday, at a private ceremony on July 29, 2009, in Auburn, AL during Mises University 2009 (see Hoppe Festschrift Published). Pictures from the ceremony are embedded below.

Hoppe’s Festschrift now in ePub

Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe eBooks, Mises Institute


Property, Freedom, and Society: Marzipan in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Also, as I noted in Book Review of Hoppe Festschrift, David Howden wrote an excellent review (2) of the festschrift in New Perspectives on Political Economy. And, as I noted in that post, and in  Bodrum Days and Nights: The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: A Partial Report, as a piece of Festschrift trivia: at the recent Property and Freedom Society conference in Bodrum, Turkey, a guest presented a festschrift-cake he had had made in Estonia, entitled “Property, Freedom, and Society: Marzipan in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe,” which was served as part of the dessert at the closing banquet.


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