Interesting piece in The Daily Bell: Mr. Goldberg Apologizes for His Mises/Phone Booth Crack?. Apropos this, see my 2001 LRC article about this little punk, On Jonah Goldberg’s Youthful Phase.
Daily Bell: Mr. Goldberg Apologizes for His Mises/Phone Booth Crack?
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I didn’t see an apology there, or even an acknowledgment he’d once made the phone booth crack? Am I missing something?
I mean, this seems to me way more like “I know I mocked them, but now that they’re getting a bunch of attention, I better act like I’m up on them and at least somewhat positive, lest the tide turn on my blustering neo-con butt completely. Also, I will not mention my previous phone booth crack” than any sort of even half- apology, but maybe it was in the original context?
I remember laughing at this guy in 2002.