I originally began this post as a short note about my experience with libertarian speaking over the past few years, but I began rambling and it became a bit longer, something of an adjunct to my earlier How I Became A Libertarian. See related biographical pieces are here.
(Updated Dec. 2024, and subsequently, with my libertarian activities from 2020-2025)
A couple years ago, maybe early 2013, I resolved to stop traveling to speak at libertarian events for a while, except for attending the annual Property and Freedom Society meeting in Turkey at least every other year. I wanted to take a break. It was just becoming too much of a time suck and distraction from other matters. But let me back up a bit, in hopes this may be of interest to some young libertarian scholars.
In the beginning…
When I was a young lawyer, around 1994 (I started practicing in 1992), I started attending libertarian events, initially mostly as an attendee. I had attended an Objectivist conference in Dallas in 1988 during law school with my friend Jack Criss, and a couple of LSU campus Libertarian events (where I listened to Ron Paul speak in an LSU classroom, during his 1988 Presidential run), but that was about it. When I started practicing law in 1992, I started publishing on both legal as well as libertarian topics. I’ve discussed my legal publishing before, 1 and while I did it partly for career development reasons (publishing is one way for young lawyers at big law firms to get their names out there, develop clients, and so on), it was mainly because I found law and legal theory interesting, and enjoyed writing. It’s the same reason I started publishing in the area of libertarian legal theory as well—such as my first scholarly article sketching out my developing theory of rights, Estoppel: A New Justification for Individual Rights, published in Reason Papers No. 17 (Fall 1992). I wrote it (by hand, in cursive!) while I was a grad law student at King’s College London—University of London in 1991. Somewhat naïvely, I submitted it to King’s College Law School’s law review, whereupon it was summarily rejected. Not daunted, I submitted an improved draft to Tibor Machan for his journal Reason Papers, and it was eventually published.
In any case, a succession of both scholarly articles and books, and more popular-format articles, on both the legal and libertarian sides followed over the ensuing decades. 2 One of them was my article The Undeniable Morality of Capitalism, 3 a lengthy and favorable review essay of Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s book The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993). For many of my libertarian articles, I would try to publish them in standard law reviews, both to get the word out to more mainstream audiences and also to burnish my legal résumé.
While the legal publishing helped in my law career (and also led to lucrative publishing contracts later on), the libertarian publishing opened up doors for me in the libertarian world. As I recounted in How I Became A Libertarian:
By mid-1994 I had moved to Philadelphia …, and resolved to attend the John Randolph Club meeting in October 1994, near Washington, D.C. My primary goal was to meet Hoppe, Rothbard, and Rockwell. 4
I had in law school become a devotee of the work of both Hoppe and Rothbard. Hans had moved to the US ten years earlier to study under Rothbard. He was interested in meeting me since I had recently published my review of his book. It was amazing meeting and talking to Rothbard, and Hans and I became instant friends and intellectual compatriots. I enjoyed meeting the libertarians there; not so much the paleoconservatives. I found many of them bizarre, offputting, and mostly unlibertarian, often exhibiting weird Foghorn Leghorn exaggerated Southern affectations which did not impress me, since I’m actually from the South.
Rothbard died three months later, in January 1995. Hoppe took over the Journal of Libertarian Studies as editor, and invited me to become book review editor, which we did together for the next ten years. Over those years I started speaking at local Federalist Society events, on occasion (mostly in Philadelphia and Houston), and attending and speaking at the newly-formed Austrian Scholars Conference at the Mises Institute, plus often one or two other events per year at the Mises Institute, such as supporters’ summits, anniversary meetings, and so on.
I met interesting scholars and people from all over the world, at Mises Institute events alone. In 1995 Guido Hülsmann and I met on the bus from the Atlanta airport to Auburn—we were both going there to see Hoppe, and had coincidentally sat next to each other on the bus. Guido was a young and brilliant economics PhD student studying under Hans as his protege, while Hans became a mentor to me in the libertarian legal and political theory areas. Guido and I quickly became very good friends, and sort of Hans’s two intellectual “sons”—at least, that’s how I have thought of it. Hans has become to me one of the most important influences of my life; a truly great man, and the most brilliant person and scholar I’ve ever met.
The annual Austrian Scholars Conference (now re-named the Austrian Economics Research Conference) was always for me the key and my favorite event; I didn’t miss it for many years in a row. Initially I would present a 20 minute paper as part of a panel in one of the breakout sessions. Many of these eventually became papers I published later—on contract theory, intellectual property, legislation and law, and so on. Occasionally I would be asked to be an ASC panel chair, and over the years, I started being specifically invited to speak at particular events. For example, Hoppe arranged for a group of us to travel to Seoul, Korea in February 2000 to participate at the Twenty-Second International Conference on the Unity of Sciences. 5 In 2002, I was a faculty member of the Rothbard Graduate Seminar (how I wish the recordings for that seminar had been preserved—it was really great); in 2008, I delivered the Rothbard Memorial Lecture at the Austrian Scholars Conference 2008. 6 I delivered a lecture at Mises University 2009 7 and again at Mises University 2011 8 (I never attended Mises University as a student).
One of my most special memories was at Mises U 2009. As I’ve recounted here, Guido Hülsmann and I had been working for a couple years on a festschrift for Hoppe, in time for his 60th birthday in September 2009. It was completed in time and presented to Professor Hoppe at a touching private ceremony on July 29, 2009, at the lovely home of Judge John Denson, a long-time Mises Institute supporter and important scholar.
Nowadays things are different for young libertarian students and scholars. There are so many choices and events—the already-well known think tanks, new ones, regional and state-based groups, international/foreign groups, the Ron Paul movement and spinoffs, Liberty on the Rocks, Students for Liberty, and on and on.
When I was focused on grad school and then my early professional career, initially I focused on attending Mises Institute events, as it was then the major worldwide hub of serious Austrian and libertarian scholarship. Over the last fifteen or so years, partly since the publication of Against Intellectual Property in 2001 (presented earlier at the Austrian Scholars Conference), I’ve tended to get a few invitations per year to speak or lecture at various events (including, since 2006, the Property and Freedom Society annual meeting in Bodrum, Turkey, of which I was a founding member). I would accept some, where logistics were acceptable, but in the last fifteen years I haven’t traveled to any libertarian events as an attendee—I just selected from the ones I was invited to. Now, I’m not a natural or very good speaker, or even writer (I do believe my experience writing and debating and speaking over the years has greatly improved my somewhat mediocre natural talents), but I’m passable; I do this out of passion and to be involved, and used to always be nervous and dread my appearances, but I was persistent and soldiered on. I’m not nervous anymore when I speak—experience helps with that—but I always prepare a lot for my talks; I never “wing it,” unlike some of my best buddies in this movement who speak more often than I do and who just improvise quite often. So the preparation takes time and attention, at least for me. This means that I can never enjoy myself at a conference, in the days leading up to the speech; and the speech itself is always intense brainwork (though enjoyable). I always have found that as soon as my talk is over I breathe a sigh of relief and start to enjoy myself immensely. I then become a mere attendee, and it’s nicer.
Of course it occurs to me now that this is what it was like when I was younger in the movement and not a “name”, when I was attending events just to be an attendee. And so, with life somewhat busier now, a child and career and family and other issues, a few years ago, maybe early 2013, I resolved to turn down every event that required me to travel, other than PFS. I mean I have to keep that one; it’s special and awesome. 9
Boycotts and failed speaking hiatuses
This whole episode reminds me a bit of my occasional boycotts every five years of being the tech-support and legal-help guy for every friend and family member in my circle—sometimes I go on a Randian-style strike and stop answering the phone, except for my wife and son… but then, of course, eventually, I relent. But for long-distance libertarian events, I figure—podcasts and the Internet are booming. I can do local events, on occasion (such as Liberty on the Rocks in Houston, Mises Circle in Houston (which I almost did but had to turn down one time)), or events within driving distance such as a talk I did with Jeff Tucker and Stefan Molyneux in 2013 near Houston 10 or another at UT Austin, just three hours’ drive away. 11 Or interviews via Skype, for podcasts and radio shows, as I’ve done a lot over the last few years. Just takes 30-60 minutes, and no travel.
So I was all set to boycott it all. Just one conference in Turkey every year or two. Everything else online or local. No more, for a while, people! I had just started a podcast—that should be enough, and you can do it from home…
Let’s see how I did, starting 2013. I started making exceptions. To my wife: “Hey, I know I said no travel this year—but for this one, you’ll be out of town anyway.” Or: “We’ll be in Canada anyway, I can swing by Calgary and do this talk.” Or: “The kid will be in summer camp then, so why not.” And so on.
So let’s look at my exceptions since early 2013. In 2013 itself, despite my boycott, I:
- Traveled to Atlanta for Jeff Tucker’s Crypto-Currency Conference: Bitcoin and the Future of Money, speaking on “The History, Meaning, and Future of Legal Tender.” 12 Hey. Mr. Tucker invited me. And Atlanta. How could I say no?
- Spoke on “The Role of the Corporation and Limited Liability in a Private Law Society,” 2013 Annual Meeting, Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey. 13 This one should not count, really, since I made an exception for PFS. But still, travel to Bodrum from Houston is not easy.
- Delivered the talk “Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Economics and Political Theory,” Liberty in the Pines conference a couple hours’ drive away at Stephen F. Austin State University, in Nacogdoches, Texas. 14 As noted: I could drive, so it’s no biggie, right? Though I did get a goddamned speeding ticket with Jeff Tucker in the passenger seat on the way home that night. 15
So I was pretty good in 2013. Atlanta was the big exception. But I was pretty much holding strong with my resolve!
And 2014:
- Spoke in Moscow, Russia on “Argumentation Ethics, Estoppel, and Libertarian Rights,” for the 6th Adam Smith Forum. 16 Just kidding. I turned down the Moscow trip and did this one by remote video (my third Russia invite I’ve turned down in recent years. Russia scares me).
- Traveled to Brooklyn to speak on “Libertarianism After Fifty Years: What Have We Learned?” at the NYC LibertyFest. 17 Okay so this one takes more explaining. I combined this one with a trip to the New York comiccon, since my son is a comic nut. So see, that one makes sense. Right? Right? Plus—Brooklyn, amiright?
- Traveled to Yale to speak on “Balancing Intellectual Property Rights and Civil Liberties: A Libertarian Perspective”. 18 Okay, I mean, I had to break my rule to attend a Yale event. Fricking Yale. I figure here is a school too good for me to have attended; I can’t turn down an invitation to speak there. Plus, I stayed overnight in Philly on the way there and had a reunion dinner with three old patent lawyer buddies from my old days in Philly.
Okay, so 2014: only two fails: Brooklyn, and Yale. Not too bad.
Now last year, 2015, I slipped yet again:
- Attended PorcFest 2015 in New Hampshire, in June, to deliver “Intellectual Property is the Root of All Evil” and participate in “Anarchism, for and against: a debate”
- Traveled to New York to appear on the Stossel Show on Intellectual Property (Fox Business Channel, Jan. 30, 2015). Because how can you turn down Stossel? Plus my good old buddy Jack Criss joined me and we had a grand time.
- Went to Turkey again for PFS 2015. 19 Hey, it was the Tenth Annual Meeting. It was special! How could you miss that?
This coming year, 2016, looks like I’m off to a rocky start:
- Giving the keynote speech on“Legislation and the State’s Corruption of Private Law—Louisiana’s Special Connection” in Baton Rouge at the Louisiana Libertarian Party Annual Convention 20 Hey, I get to drive to this one, at least, though it is five hours. And I did turn down LP speaking events in Austin, for the Texas LP convention, and Palm Beach, for the Florida LP convention. So that’s something. I guess. [Update: I ended up having to cancel this for health reasons]
- Speaking at the Libertarian Party of Canada policy convention, July 21–22, 2016, in Calgary. But our family is gonna parlay this into a summer vacation in Banff. So I kinda get a pass for this one. I think. [Ended up canceling for health reasons]
- Probably attending PorcFest 2016 in New Hampshire again, in June. But this time only as an attendee, so I can relax at a conference for the first time in years. Revolutionary! [canceled]
- I was going to travel to DC to be a panelist on Cato’s Policy Forum on Intellectual Property and First Principles, 21 but I dodged a bullet by being later disinvited (long story — see Disinvited from Cato).
- Of course, going to Bodrum, Turkey again in September. [also canceled]
So, 2016: I am slipping on Baton Rouge, Calgary, New Hampshire. And as usual, Turkey.
Okay, new resolution. In 2017, no libertarian travel. Except maybe Turkey. And…
Update (2/19):
Well, in 2017, I ended up speaking in Sao Paolo, Brazil, for the Mises-Brasil conference, in March. Had a great time there with Yuri Maltsev and Andy Duncan. Attended the PFS in Bodrum, Turkey, in September. And attended the Mises 35th Anniversary event in New York in October. And in December spoke at the Yale Political Union in New Haven, Connecticut.
In 2018 I once again failed in having a speaking/libertarian events hiatus. I did attend the Mises UK inaugural meeting with my buddies Lee Iglody, Jeff Barr, Doug French, and Hans Hoppe, which was a blast. While there I debated “Faketoshi” Craig Wright on IP, with Vin Armani hosting from Las Vegas. 22 And once again spoke at the PFS meeting in Turkey in September. 23 My friend Michael Malice joined me there and we had a blast. 24
In October I spoke on IP at Berkeley School of Law, outside San Francisco. Also flew back to New York to attend the Mises Libertarian Scholars Conference with my boys Lee, Doug, et al. So 2018 was another fail.
In 2019, I spoke already in February at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in Manchester, 25 and am heading to Auburn in March to appear on a panel in honor of Hoppe’s 70th BD at the Austrian Economics Research Conference (AERC). 26
I also attended Bit Block Boom in Dallas in August, with my buddy Juan Carpio. And as usual I travelled to Turkey again in September for the PFS Annual Meeting. 27 A possible trip to Sao Paolo, Brazil to speak at a Students for Liberty event never materialized.
I was then invited to speak at La Sierra University in November, at the invitation of Gary Chartier. 28 My friend Juan Carpio and I flew to L.A. and after that, we drove to Phoenix where I spoke at an AFF-Phoenix event. 29
2020–2024 Update (Oct. 2024)
As noted above, after my initial post in 2015 and my vow to slow down, I failed again for the next 4 years. And it turns out I then mostly failed again for the next four, 2020–2024. As 2024 draws to a close, I repeat my resolve to radically minimize libertarian events and travel starting in 2025. I actually think I’m going to do it this time. I’ll lay out why I think I will finally succeed. But first, here’s what I was up to the last four years. The Covid years. Covid of course changed everything and made many of us libertarians even more eager to defy the man or to associate with our peeps. I also finally joined the LP at this time, which led to some unexpected opportunities and projects. Also, about 4 years ago my wife and I bought a lot nearby and planned our dream home, which was we only recently completed and moved into. And, 2024 has been a rough year. So, let’s dive in.
Actually I was pretty successful avoiding attending libertarian events this year. My wife had bought a lot a few months earlier, and it ended up taking us 4 years and two architects to build it. I was featured in “The Monopoly on Violence” Documentary, Stateless Productions (May 31, 2020), but that was done remotely. And PFS was canceled for 2020 due to ridiculous Covid restrictions.
In 2021 I had had enough of the Covid bullshit so started attending libertarian events again. Juan Carpio and I went skiing in Telluride in February. I presented at the Bitcoin Within The Legal System, Crypt0Events, “Future IS Crypto!” Webinar Series (February 25, 2021) [KOL322], but it was online. In March 2021 I attended the AERC at the Mises Institute in Auburn. Scottish Libertarian Antony Samneroff happened to be in Houston at the time. We had only known each other from some podcast interviews, 30 so we met up and he decided to join me on the trip to Auburn. And then there was a libertarian meetup in Austin, Texas where Antony wanted to present one of his books, so we drove there and met some Austin libertarians and Bitcoiners.
I was about to go skiing in Telluride with my Houston friends David and Peggy Brenner, who have a house there, and asked Sammeroff, “You don’t happen to ski, do you?” “Why yes, I dew, me dad taught me when I was a wee lad,” so he came with me. Great fun, as our Lift Talks can attest. 31
In May Sammeroff and I went to Las Vegas for a Libertarian Party/Mises Caucus event. While there I met up with Adam Haman and his lovely wife Jen, and my old friends Doug and Deanna French. We also saw the Hoover Dam.
In June, Juan Carpio and I attended Bitcoin Miami 2021, where I gave a brief presentation about an anti-IP and pro-Bitcoin project I was working on. 32 And then later that month Juan and I attended PorcFest and spoke. 33 Sammeroff and other old friends were there too.
In July, while at FreedomFest 2021, Gene Epstein and I did a podcast episode together, 34 and many of my friends and I had some adventures e.g. a helicopter ride over Mount Rushmore.
And then, in August, Juan Carpio and I and Greg and Joy Morin went on a Trek Travel bicycling trip across Alaska, which was great fun.
And then, the PFS returned after having missed 2020. 35 My brother in law Tommy Turner, who had joined me at PFS years before, came, and he and I, Juan Carpio, Greg Morin, and some other friends (the Dobrowskis) had a nice excursion to Aphrodisias and then to Hieropolis.
In October, for some reason, I attended the Mises Supporters Summit in St. Petersburg, Florida.
In November, Gene Epstein and Hisako stayed with me while they were in Houston for a Rothko Chapel event, and invited me to a brunch with Christopher Rothko. Later that month, I debated Richard Epstein on IP at Gene’s Soho Forum in New York. Greg Morin joined and we had fun finding new pizza places. 36
I did an “Ask Me Anything,” Lib-Right League Discord Server (Jan. 6, 2022, 3–4pm CST; via Zoom/Youtube stream) [KOL370], but this was online. I also participated in “Law: Decentralized and Centralized,” Austrian Economics Discord Conference: “The Enduring Importance of the Austrian School,” Austrian Economics Discord Server (Jan. 8–9, 2022) [KOL371], but it was also online.
In May 2022, I attended the Libertarian Party convention in Reno, where the Mises Caucus swept and gained control of the LNC. I was nominated to serve on the Judicial Committee, a four year term.
In June, my wife and I attended Tom Woods’ and Jenna’s wedding in Jacksonville, Florida. Several other good friends were there—Greg and Joy Morin, Michael Malice, Dave Smith etc. It was a wedding but was practically a libertarian who-who’s.
In June I attended Porcfest once more. 37
In August, I joined my wife at Cal-a-Vie, a health retreat in California, and while in San Diego met Mises supporter Hunter Hastings for lunch.
At this year’s PFS, 38 this time Greg’s wife Joy joined us, and Doug and Deanna French, and Carl and Karen Bowen, and we all, along with Jay Baykal, repeated the Aphrodisias and Hieropolis trip from the year before. Great fun.
This year was pretty light. In January I drove with a friend to Austin to listen to speech on free will by my old patent attorney colleague friend Steve Mendelsohn, from Philadelphia. This was not really libertarian, but my friends Greg and Joy Morin met me there. And while there we attended a party at Michael Malice’s house which had a lot of local libertarian-ish types.
I flew to Boston in February planning to with Greg and Joy to their new vacation home in Iceland, but the flight was canceled for a day due to high winds so I bailed and flew back home the next day. In March, I attended the AERC in Auburn. In May I flew to New York to attend a Soho Forum debate, just for fun.
In early June Greg and Joy Morin were in Houston to attend a Ron Paul event in Lake Jackson, so we were able to see them. In late June I attended what is surely my last Porcfest. Five times is enough for this ole’ boy. In July I joined my wife on a business trip to Calgary; Greg Morin joined me and we went to Lake Louise and Banff.
I debated Corey DeAngelis in August at the Soho Forum in New York; my wife and son joined me, 39. We had dinner with Gene and Hisako Epstein. Then we three flew to Iceland to join Greg and Joy Morin, where they had recently built a vacation home. Great trip.
Next was PFS in 2023. This year a group of us did a boat trip cruising around the Aegean after the conference. 40
In October I attended the Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Auburn, and in November I attended a Brownstone Institute conference in Dallas.
At the end of the year, we moved into our new home.
This year started out good but then took a turn for the worse. I went on a trip to Argentina with Juan Carpio and Greg and Joy Morin to visit Carl and Karen Bowen at their vacation home. It was a fun trip. Juan and I met up with some local ancaps there where Juan spoke and we all talked about Milei who had just won. I had planned to speak on “Covid and Pharmaceutical Patents,” Second Annual Brownstone Retreat, Brownstone Institute, Avon, CT, February 22–25, 2024, but due to some logistical problems with how it was organized, I canceled.
I then debated IP at Lewis & Clark College in early April. 41 In early May, I spoke on IP at the Bastiat Society in Houston. 42
About 5 years earlier I had prostate cancer and had treated it with a laser ablation procedure instead of a radical prostatectomy. My PSA levels started climbing so on May 10 I had an MRI prostate biopsy done. I was in Auburn the next week to attend the Mises Institute’s Human Action Conference, and started feeling very bad the first night. I assumed I had a stomach flu, but it turns out I had sepsis from an infection from the biopsy. I felt so bad I flew home a day early and by Tuesday morning I was so dehydrated that my blood pressure dropped and I had kidney failure which triggered a stroke. I spent 7 days in ICU at Methodist, while my wife rush home early from a business trip in Europe. My dad had to postpone his wedding. Luckily I recovered fully.
My brother Michael came to visit in the aftermath of my stroke. Meanwhile the prostate cancer was back. And then disaster struck: around 4th of July, my brother passed away unexpectedly at a party in Sonoma. We went to Sonoma to be with his partner, Matt, and then attended a memorial service in Prairieville, La. A Celebration of Life was planned for early October in Sonoma, so I scheduled my prostatectomy for mid-October—last week. So, in September I attended the PFS in Bodrum, 43 and while there Guido Hülsmann and I presented Hans Hoppe with a book of essays prepared in his honor. And then Cindy and I attended Michael’s Celebration of Life, joined by our son. There were almost 200 people there, from all over the country and the world. It was so sad. We came home and I had my operation this last week and am recuperating at home now. The good news is my cancer is probably gone, I survived the operation, and I have recovered from the stroke. This year basically sucked. I’m looking forward to 2025.
Update as of Dec. 2o24: I was invited to guest lecture remotely on ethics and related issues for an engineering economics course at Colorado University Boulder (KOL452 | Ethics, Politics, and IP for Engineering Students). But that did not require travel.
Also, One of my libertarian friends, Aaron Voisine, a fellow Bitcoin enthusiast in San Francisco, had been trying to get a reservation at The French Laundry in Napa for some time (the one CA gov. Gavin Newsom got in trouble for attending during the California lockdowns). He invited a few fellow bitcoin friends—me, Vijay Boyapati, Aaron Graham, Curtis Yarvin, and a couple others. I made a spa trip out of it. We had a blast.
Going forward I do expect to finally live up to my pledge to radically reduce libertarian-related travel. Why do I want to do this? For one thing, I’m a homebody and quite often when I have attended events I’ve changed my flight to come home early. I rarely listen to all the talks; that’s not why I go. I go to see my friends, to discuss, sometimes to lecture. And nowadays we have the Internet, social media, Zoom, youtube, podcasts, and Doug Casey’s Phyles, which did not exist in previous decades. And I want to focus more on my health and other passions, and writing and developing libertarian theory.
I think I’m finally going to do it. I can feel that I’m on the cusp. First, after my term ends on the LP Judicial Committee, I am done with the LP and electoral politics. I resisted joining the LP for decades because of my distaste for and aversion to electoral politics. I’m a theory guy, not an activist. I relented when Tom Woods and Dave Smith and others joined along with the Mises Caucus in 2017 or so, thinking, “What the hell—these are my peeps.” But I’m back to my pessimism about electoral politics.
Second, I’ve been to enough Mises Institute events over the years, and they will now be few and far between, if that. I almost died at the last one. Maybe it’s a sign. I plan to attend the annual Property and Freedom Society meetings for as long as we keep having them, since those are my favorite peeps and I need some regular, annual outlet. I may attend an occasional Soho Forum or so since I love NY. I may get more involved with the local Houston Bastiat Society Harwood Salon of the AIER, since it is local and does not require travel. I can still do podcast interviews remotely. I might take an occasional speaking or debate gig if it interests me, but I plan to be way more selective going forward, and focus on my health, my family, interests, and libertarian writing. I would say I want to take up traveling, but I hate traveling, though I assume I’ll get dragooned into it for family matters, close friends, and so on (some of whom happen to be libertarians), which is fine with me.
Check back in a year to see how I’ve done…
So far, here’s what I have on the agenda for 2025… I canceled a few things I had planned on doing.
- Attended Michael Saylor’s “Bitcoin 100k: The Party of the Century” New Year’s Eve celebration in Miami Beach, as Vijay Boyapati’s +1 (Dec. 31, 2024)
- Tom Woods Cruise (Feb. 23, 2025–March 2, 2025). I was going to skip this one but as I plan to attend far fewer libertarian events going forward (no more Mises Institute events, no more Libertarian Party conventions, no more PorcFest or LibertyFest and so on), I figured, when there happens to be libertarian-related event in Houston, I might as well do it. (The cruise was wonderful.)
- I had considered attending the Mises Institute’s Libertarian Scholars Conference and the awkwardly-named AERC, or Austrian Economics Research Conference (March 20–22, 2025), mostly because Hoppe and my friends Greg and Joy Morin and Jacob Lovell were attending, but I bailed. I’ve have enough of Auburn for a while. Maybe forever. Instead, I decided to attend—
- “The Louisiana Civil Code of 1825: Content, Influences and Languages; Past and Future,” LSU Law Center, March 20–21, 2025 (see The Louisiana Civil Code of 1825: Content, Influences and Languages; Past and Future: Returning to my Louisiana Roots). I attended only as a guest, not a speaker, which was a relief and a pleasure, although I knew the conference organizer, Moreteau, and my old professor, Levasseur. I also met one Tulane Law prof who said she recommends my Louisiana Civil Law Dictionary to students; and two libertarian or -ish law professors, Nadia Nedzel, as well as David Gruning, who knew me and my friends Walter Block and Bill Barnett from Loyola econ. Civilian legal scholar Vernon Palmer, to my surprise, knew my name, since he was aware I had cited him in my writing (e.g. various of his articles in “Legislation and the Discovery of Law in a Free Society,” in Legal Foundations of a Free Society, as well as other chapters). I thoroughly enjoyed the conference–purely legal, not for CLE, not about IP, not libertarian or Austrian economics or activism or bitcoin or normativity. It was a welcome break from all that. Just a bunch of very bright, deep and learned civil law/Roman law experts.
“Patent and Copyright versus Innovation, Competition, and Property Rights,” APEE 49th Meeting, “The Economic History of State and Market Institutions,” April 6-8, 2025, Guatemala City, Guatemala. My buddy Greg Morin is going to join me. We plan to go see Volcano Pacaya while there….I canceled.- And now, I am back on, for a shorter trip this time: “Patent and Copyright versus Innovation, Competition, and Property Rights,” APEE 49th Meeting, “The Economic History of State and Market Institutions,” April 6-8, 2025, Guatemala City, Guatemala (program). Panel 50. [1.E.06] “Intellectual Property: Old Problems and New Developments,” Monday, April 7, 2025, 3:50 pm-5:05 pm, Breakout06. Organizer: Monica Rio Nevado de Zelaya, Universidad Francisco Marroquín; Chair: Ramón Parellada, Universidad Francisco Marroquín.
May attend the Libertarian Scholars Conference 2025 and Austrian Economics Research Conference 2025 in Auburn, at the Mises Institute, in March 2025.Decided not to go. Instead, —Dave Smith vs. Alex Nowrasteh, The Soho Forum, May 21, 2025- “The Problem with Intellectual Property,” Capitalism and Morality 2025, Vancouver (Aug. 23, 2025)
- Will be attending the Property and Freedom Society 2025 Annual Meeting in Bodrum in September, 2025.
- See New Publisher, Co-Editor for my Legal Treatise, and how I got started with legal publishing; Preface and Introduction to International Investment, Political Risk, and Dispute Resolution: A Practitioner’s Guide; Louisiana Civil Law Dictionary Review. [↩]
- For my legal publications, see KinsellaLaw.com/publications; libertarian-related lectures and publications are at www.StephanKinsella.com/publications. [↩]
- 25 St. Mary’s Law Journal 1419 (1994). [↩]
- See Meeting Rothbard and Hoppe: John Randolph Club, 1994. [↩]
- The panel was Military and Police–Public or Private? committee; my paper was “The Nature and Sources of Law under Anarcho-Capitalism” (based on Legislation and the Discovery of Law in a Free Society, and Legislation and Law in a Free Society. [↩]
- The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism.” [↩]
- “Intellectual Property and Libertarianism” [↩]
- The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism.” [↩]
- See my “Bodrum Days and Nights: The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: A Partial Report; and other reports here, such as Jeff Tucker on PFS 2012: The Center of the Conspiracy.” [↩]
- “Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Economics and Political Theory,” Liberty in the Pines conference, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas (March 23, 2013) [KOL037] [↩]
- “Intellectual Freedom and Learning versus Patent and Copyright,” 2010 Students For Liberty Texas Regional Conference, University of Texas, Austin (Nov. 6, 2010). [↩]
- Oct. 5, 2013. [↩]
- (Sep. 19–24, 2013) [KOL100]. [↩]
- (March 23, 2013) . [↩]
- Ticket Me, Goddamnit! [↩]
- (Nov. 2, 2014). [↩]
- (Brooklyn, NY, October 11, 2014). [↩]
- (“The Politic Presents” lecture series, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Oct. 2, 2014). [↩]
- KOL190 | On Life without Patents and Copyright: Or, But Who Would Pick the Cotton? (PFS 2015). [↩]
- Belle of Baton Rouge Casino and Hotel (April 16, 2016) (event page) . [↩]
- Cato Institute (Washington, DC, Feb. 10, 2016) [↩]
- KOL234 | Vin Armani Show: Live from London: Kinsella vs. Craig Wright Debate on Intellectual Property. [↩]
- KOL250 | International Law Through a Libertarian Lens (PFS 2018). [↩]
- PFP194 | Michael Malice, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: The God That Failed (PFS 2018). [↩]
- KOL259 | “How To Think About Property,” New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2019; KOL258 | Liberty Forum Debate vs. Daniel Garza: Immigration Reform: Open Borders or Build the Wall? [↩]
- KOL263 | Hoppe on Property Rights, “Panel: The Significance of Hans-Hermann Hoppe” [↩]
- KOL274 | Nobody Owns Bitcoin (PFS 2019). [↩]
- KOL276 | La Sierra University: Abolish Intellectual Property Law. [↩]
- KOL277 | AFF Phoenix Debate: Intellectual Property Rights: Yay or Nay?). [↩]
- KOL326 | Scottish Liberty Podcast: Discussing the Mossoff-Sammeroff IP Debate, Take 1: Under the Influence…; KOL289 | Scottish Liberty Podcast: Discussing the Mossoff-Sammeroff IP Debate, Take 2: A Sober Conversation… [↩]
- KOL330 | Lift Talks #2 With Kinsella & Sammeroff; KOL329 | Lift Talks #1 With Kinsella & Sammeroff. [↩]
- KOL342 | Bitcoin2021 Announcement: Open Crypto Alliance. [↩]
- “Kinsella’s Libertarian ‘Constitution,’” PorcFest 2021, Lancaster NH, June 26, 2021 [KOL345]. [↩]
- KOL350 | Pauls to the Wall with Gene Epstein and Kinsella. [↩]
- KOL359 | State Constitutions vs. the Libertarian Private Law Code (PFS 2021). [↩]
- KOL364 | Soho Forum Debate vs. Richard Epstein: Patent and Copyright Law Should Be Abolished. [↩]
- KOL382 | FreeTalkLive at PorcFest: Corporations, Limited Liability, and the Reno Reset. [↩]
- “Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa,” 2022 Annual Meeting, Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 16–18, 2022) [KOL395 | Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection (PFS 2022)] [↩]
- Soho Forum Debate: resolved: “Today’s school-choice movement in the U.S. is worthy of support by libertarians…” (taking the negative), vs. Corey DeAngelis, New York City (Aug. 21, 2023); KOL419 | Soho Forum Debate vs. Corey Deangelis: School Choice. [↩]
- KOL420 | There Ain’t No Intellectual Property: The Personal Story of a Discovery (PFS 2023). [↩]
- KOL427 | Lewis & Clark College Debate on Intellectual Property Imperialism; Strings Attached: Tracing the Global Systems that Bind, 62nd Annual International Affairs Symposium, Lewis & Clark College, Portland Oregon, Debate 5: Pirates and Patents. Debate Topic: Is international intellectual property regulation a necessary protection for innovators or a form of modern imperialism? (April 10, 2024) [See KOL427 | Lewis & Clark College Debate on Intellectual Property Imperialism] [↩]
- “An Insider’s Introduction to Austrian Economics,” Bastiat Society—Houston, American Institute for Economic Research, The Briar Club, Houston Texas (May 2, 2024) In may: KOL430 | An Insider’s Introduction to Austrian Economics, Bastiat Society—Houston. [↩]
- KOL443 | Abortion: A Radically Decentralist Approach (PFS 2024). [↩]
2017… How about Australia?
See you in Bodrum!