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How to Fix the US

A friend remound me of this FB post (thanks, Brian). From Feb. 14, 2020:

How to easily fix things (or make them way better). These are simple, common sense policies that either of the two major US parties ought to be able to get on board with:

1. Legalize marijuana federally. (And all other drugs, while you’re at it)

2. Bring home 50% of foreign US troops over the next 5-10 years

3. Reduce US military spending by 25% over the next 5-10 years

4. Reduce patent and copyright terms to 10 years, and exclude pharmaceuticals from patent protection [How to Improve Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Law]

5. Have the Fed abolish fractional-reserve banking and just print 2% more per year (mild inflation)

6. Start a Manhattan project for development of Thorium nuclear energy. Climate change debates SOLVED

7. Abolish obvious bullshit like the Department of Education, National Endowment for the Arts, etc.

8 . Abolish farm subsidies (corporate welfare) over the next 5 years

9. Implement the following Constitutional limitations:
a. All federal taxes, revenues, etc., as of 10 years–are capped at 10%
b. All federal laws are sunsetted by default at 8 years
c. Anyone ever elected to public office has to walk around wearing a red-velved “Dunce” Cap for the duration of their term.

10. Give enough land in Utah or Alaska or wherever to provide a homeland for New Israel, offer it to Israelis, and then stop all support of Israel in 5 years [as I proposed here Structural Safeguards to Limit Legislation and State Power  ].

11. End federal welfare and federal drug laws, and then the Mexican border/immigration issue won’t be a problem: Forget about the Wall, reform immigration law to increase migrant workers and educated workers, and abolish birthright citizenship.

Notice that I didn’t bring up term limits. That’s what stupid people jabber about.

Second-tier objectives: Turn DC back into a swamp; abolish all state schools (though this should be a local issue, not a federal one); make it clear US States have the legal-political right to secede; privatize half the national forests; sell immigration rights to the highest bidder and use it to pay off the national debt; outlaw fractional reserve banking (I kid, i kid… sorta); implement an allodial option: a citizen can choose to emancipate himself from the state and forego future federal benefits, but is free of all taxes and federal regulations; implement a provision where the States can overrule federal law or supreme court decisions (proposed by Marshall DeRosa, as I discussed here ). Jury nullification, etc. I discussed these here http://www.stephankinsella.com/2015/01/structural-safeguards-to-limit-legislation/

Third-tier objectives: you don’t want to hear my third-tier objectives.

[for inspiration: see Rockwell’s Thirty Day Play, https://mises.org/library/rockwells-thirty-day-plan , and Rockwell’s Next Thirty Days – https://mises.org/library/rockwells-next-thirty-days ]

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