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LiquidZulu’s Free Course: “The Fundamentals of Libertarian Ethics”

I was alerted to a course by LiquidZulu, “The Fundamentals of Libertarian Ethics,” touted as “The single fastest route from novice to expert in Austrian legal theory.” Somewhat amusingly, his site states:

Theres a problem…

Philosophy is big. Learning even a very small part of one specific philosophy could take years, if you even know where to look in the first place.

Theres a solution!

I have spent those years autistically studying philosophy, so I can deliver to you only the parts you need to know to understand what is true, rather than having to slog through thousand-page tomes of utter nonsensical jibberish. (And believe me, a lot of it is jibberish).

Great care has been taken to craft the courses on this website and I refuse to release a course unless it is better than any alternative that I am aware of.

The course is presented in seven modules in written form, free online, and also in video form which can be purchased at whatever price you like. I have only skimmed through some of the modules so far but from what I can tell it looks like a very good introduction to this topic, well organized, written and researched. The site claims the text version takes about 3 hours and the youtube videos (I paid for it) appear to be about 2 and a half hours.

I did a longer course on a similar topic for Mises Academy back in 2011, “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society,” which was well received, so such a course is definitely needed. I may in fact do an updated version of this course later, based on my book, Legal Foundations of a Free Society. Stay tuned. In the meantime, check out LiquidZulu’s course.

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