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KOL453 | Objections to Argumentation Ethics, Libertarian Property Rights, Scarcity, Intellectual Property: Discussion with a Student


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 453.

I was approached recently by my old friend, legal scholar and philosopher David Koepsell (a fellow opponent of IP who appeared on the John Stossel show with me a few years back), 1 as one of his students at Texas A&M, Eliot Kalinov, was interested in my and Hoppe’s work on argumentation ethics and related issues. I offered to have a discussion with Eliot about these issues for his research and publication plans, which we did yesterday (Feb. 18, 2025). We recorded it for his own purposes, and I post it here, with his permission, for those who might find the topics discussed of interest. He is very bright and asked very intelligent questions. We discuss mainly the topics noted in the title of this episode.

  1.  KOL308 | Stossel: It’s My Idea (2015). []

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