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A Life in Liberty: Liber Amicorum in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Hoppe A Life in Liberty, cover

A Life in Liberty: Liber Amicorum in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, edited by Jörg Guido Hülsmann & Stephan Kinsella (Houston, Texas: Papinian Press, 2024)

This liber amicorum was presented in honor of Professor Hoppe and on the occasion of his 75th birthday earlier that month, on Sept. 2, 2024, at a ceremony at the Hotel Karia Princess on the first evening of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society, in Bodrum, Turkey, on Friday, Sept. 21, 2024. (Amazon; Mises Store; pdf; epub; word files)

This book is a sequel to the festschrift prepared for Professor Hoppe’s 60th birthday, Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jörg Guido Hülsmann & Stephan Kinsella, eds. (Auburn, Ala.: Mises Institute, 2009). 1 Like the former festschrift, the present liber amicorum contains contributions both personal and substantive, from 41 family members, friends, colleagues, and supporters, arranged into seven sections, including the initial section containing personal reflections, Grato Animo Beneficiique Memores. We are pleased to present this volume to our dear friend, and thank our colleagues for their contributions.

The Table of Contents as well as the Preface are reproduced below. Errata may be found here. The table of contents follows below as well. Photos of the presentation ceremony may be found here.

Note that this book is published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International License, meaning anyone is free to reuse it, republish it, translate it, and so on, without permission, as they see fit.


Preface — Jörg Guido Hülsmann & Stephan Kinsella

Part One: Grato Animo Beneficiique Memores

1. Life With a Freedom Fighter — Gülçin Imre Hoppe
2. Dedicated — Emily Hoppe Dalton
3. A Father — Nick Hoppe
4. In Honor of Hans Hoppe — Llewellyn H. Rockwell
5. A Beacon of Light — Lee Iglody
6. Two Weddings and a Foundation — Deanna L. Forbush
7. The Triumph of Hans-Hermann Hoppe — Jeffrey M. Herbener
8. A Warrior Spirit — Robert Grözinger
9. 2006 Was a Good Year — Olivier Richard
10. A Heartfelt Tribute to My Good Friend Hans — Thomas Jacob
11. A Series of Fortunate Events — Caner (Jay) Baykal
12. Principled — Jeffrey F. Barr
13. My Dinner with Professor Hoppe — Gregory Morin

Part Two: The Meaning of Hoppe

14. The Pope of Libertarianism — Sean Gabb
15. Hans Hoppe is No Revolutionary — Mark Thornton
16. Hoppe Turned Me into an “Extreme Apriorist” — Thorsten Polleit
17. The Humble Hero of Truth — Nikolay Gertchev
18. An Austrian Perspective on Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the Property and Freedom Society — Rahim Taghizadegan
19. Hoppe and the Current Stage of Austro-libertarianism in Brazil — Fernando Fiori Chiocca
20. From the Foundations to the Overlooked Problems of Today — Josef Šíma
21. On Argumentation Ethics, Human Nature, and Law — Oscar Grau
22. An Intellectual Provocateur — Carlos A. Gebauer
23. Transforming Toward Hoppean Security Production — Tim Haffner

Part Three: Free Trade and Migrations

24. A Note on Hoppe’s “Open Borders” Critics — Jeff Deist
25. Immigration and the Subsistence Fund — David Howden

Part Four: Contending With Democracy

26. Hoppe on Time Preference and Democracy — Doug French
27. Democracy and Philanthropy — Hardy Bouillon
28. Should Political Parties be Abolished? — Antony P. Mueller
29. Hoppe on Democracy and Prosperity — Peter Wong

Part Five: Freedom and The Law

30. Law, Argumentation Ethics, Hoppe and Me — Frank van Dun
31. Crime, Governments, and Psychopathology from a Praxeological Perspective — Alessandro Fusillo
32. The Ethics of Physics — David Dürr
33. Defamation as a Type of Intellectual Property — Stephan Kinsella

Part Six: Miscellaneous Essays

34. Medieval Christendom and Libertarianism — Matteo Salonia
35. The Use of Private Property in a State Culture — Philipp Bagus
36. One Thousand Liechtensteins — Andreas Tögel
37. Was Milton Friedman a Causal Realist? — Karl-Friedrich Israel
38. “Keep off ” is a Good Maxim — Robert Nef
39. A Hoppean Alternative to Hayek’s “Spontaneous Order” — Juan Fernando Carpio
40. The Economics of Metaphysics — Jörg Guido Hülsmann
41. Some of My Favorite Hoppe Quotes — Thomas DiLorenzo

Editors and Contributors


It is our great pleasure to present this book to our dear friend Hans-Hermann Hoppe and to the world at large. It features various texts written in his honor, on the occasion of his 75th birthday, by colleagues, friends, and family members.

It is a longstanding academic custom to publish liberos amicorum (books made by friends for a friend) thereby expressing esteem and reverence for the laureate and publicly highlighting the impact that he has had on others through his ideas and personality. Professor Hoppe’s impact is manifest on each page of this volume. He has devoted his life to scholarship in pursuit of individual liberty. He has greatly distinguished himself as a teacher, as an author, and as a leader. But he has also touched his students and readers as a loyal and loving friend. We have both been blessed with this friendship over many years, and it gives us utmost delight to see how Hoppe the scholar and Hoppe the man have stirred the lives of so many others.

The present liber amicorum follows up on the festschrift that we had brought together in his honor on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. That volume was published in 2009, as Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and presented to Hans on July 29, 2009, at a ceremony in Auburn, Alabama, just before his birthday a month later. Since then, his influence on the academic community has continued to grow, most notably through the annual meetings of the Property and Freedom Society and a number of important new books, articles, speeches, and interviews. These include Economy, Society, and History (2021), Getting Libertarianism Right (2018), A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (2015), From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy (2014), and The Great Fiction: Property, Economy, Society, and the Politics of Decline (2012), as well as commentaries on Covid policies, the war in Ukraine, updates of his “argumentation ethics” defense of libertarian rights, and others texts. All these works are available at his website www.hanshoppe.com.

This liber amicorum is scheduled to be presented shortly after the good professor’s birthday in September, 2024, at the eighteenth annual meeting of the PFS in Bodrum, Turkey (https://propertyandfreedom.org). Like the 2009 volume, it contains different types of contributions, from personal reflections and well wishes to scholarly papers. Accordingly, we have divided the work into various parts, and the chapters have different citation and reference styles, depending on their character and subject.

We trust that followers and friends of Professor Hoppe’s work, and all other lovers of liberty and scholarship, will enjoy and profit from the present volume.

Jörg Guido Hülsmann
Angers, France

Stephan Kinsella
Houston, Texas

May 2024

Hoppe A Life in Liberty, back cover

  1. For further information on the 2009 festschrift, see pictures here; David Howden’s review; announcement of epub file; Bodrum Days and Nights: The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: A Partial Report; KOL053 | Author’s Forum: Property, Freedom and Society, Austrian Scholars Conference (2010). []

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