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Errata for A Life in Liberty: Liber Amicorum in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Below are errata for A Life in Liberty: Liber Amicorum in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, edited by Jörg Guido Hülsmann & Stephan Kinsella (Houston, Texas: Papinian Press, 2024). Available online here and at Amazon.

Epub and print versions

P. 41: For “the project new the project new momentum” read “the project new momentum”

P. 65: For “In his 1990 book” read “In his 2001 book”

P. 70: For “an introductory classroom lecture where Han’s used the example” read “an introductory classroom lecture where Hans used the example”

P. 78: ForGlobal Currency PotreadGlobal Currency Plot

P. 81: For “and Natural Order (2006)” readand Natural Order (2001)”

P. 82: For “complex economic models” read “complex economic models.”

P. 82, n.18: For “Rothbad” read “Rothbard”

P. 84: For “Hoppe, H. H. (2007)” read “Hoppe, H. H. (2001)”

P. 136: For “Gülcan” read “Gülçin”

P. 139: For “Gustav” read “Gustave”

P. 149: For “Restoration of Political Science,” readRestoration of Political Science,”

P. 150: For “Anatomy of the State” readAnatomy of the State

P. 388: For “De Molinari, Gustav,” read “De Molinari, Gustave,”

(thanks to Daivy Merlijs III for calling several of these to my attention)

Inaugural Print Run

For the initial hardcover print run for presentation at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society, in Bodrum, Turkey, on Friday, Sept. 21, 2024

P. 54, n.4: Remove spaces around em-dash

P. 82, second paragraph: For “mutally” read “mutually”

P. 135: For “examening” read “examining”

P. 192, n.3: For “underprovi-sion” read “underprovision”; for “do-nations” read “donations”

P. 218: For “the19th” read “the 19th”

P. 282, n23: For “in-tervention” read “intervention”

P. 322, n.7: Remove spaces around em-dashes

P. 340: For “1875-1890” read “1875–1890” (change hyphen to en-dash)

P. 348: For “succesful” read “successful”

P. 352, bottom para.: Replace en-dashes with em-dashes

P. 354: For*Primate social systems*.” read “Primate social systems.”; for “405-435” read “405–435” (change hyphen to en-dash)

P. 362: For “exper-iments” read “experiments”

P. 374: For “de-civilization – infantilization” read “de-civilization—infantilization”; for “venus flytrap – a one-way ticket” read “venus flytrap—a one-way ticket”

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