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Reisman: Disk 2: Lectures and Speeches on Economics and Politics 1967-2007: Part 1

George Reisman’s Program of Self-Education in the Economic Theory and Political Philosophy of Capitalism

Disk 2: Lectures and Speeches on Economics and Politics 1967-2007: Part 1

Description of Lectures below

Supplemental Material

  • Everyone’s Stake in Capitalism [pdf]
  • Everyone’s Stake in Capitalism II [pdf]
  • Program Guide: George Reisman’s Program of Self-Education in the Economic Theory and Political Philosophy of Capitalism, Second Edition, Enlarged (including Introduction, Syllabus, and Syllabus Supplements) [pdf]
  • Other Lecture Supplements

Youtube Channels


  • DISK 02 – 01 Nature and Value of Economics [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 02 Wealth and Its Role in Human Life [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 03 Education and the Racist Road to Barbarism [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 04 Environmental and Resource Economics 2007 [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 05 Toxicity of Environmentalism Track 1 [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 06 Toxicity of Environmentalism Track 2 [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 07 Capitalism The Cure for Racism [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 08 Nazism and Socialism [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 09 Everyone’s Stake in Capitalism [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 10 Everyone’s Stake in Capitalism II [mp3; youtube]
  • DISK 02 – 11 The Benevolence of Capitalism 2006 [mp3; youtube]

Description of Lectures

From Capitalism.net:

Lectures and Speeches on Economics and Politics, 1967-2007

Twenty individual lectures and speeches delivered by Dr. Reisman between 1967 and 2007, on two CDs. The total running time of the two CDs is over 25 hours. Price: $99.95.

The lectures, along with their original year of recording, individual running times, and correspondence to chapters in Capitalism are listed below. Except as noted, all the lectures contain a question-and-answer period.

On disk 1:
The Nature and Value of Economics (1990), 90 min., chap. 1.
Wealth and Its Role in Human Life (1994), 90 min., chap. 2.
Education and the Racist Road to Barbarism (1991), 60 min., chap. 2, no Q&A.
Resource Economics & Environmentalism (2007), 60 min., chap. 3, new in 2.0.
The Toxicity of Environmentalism (1991), chap. 3, 154 min.
Capitalism: The Cure for Racism (1972), chap. 6, 90 min.
Everyone’s Stake in Capitalism I (1983),  47. min., chap. 9, pt. A, no Q&A, new in 2.0.
Everyone’s Stake in Capitalism II (1988), 90 min., chap. 9, pt. A.
The Benevolence of Capitalism (2006), 65 min., chaps. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19,
new in 2.0/2.1.
On disk 2:
Why Nazi Germany Was Socialist and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian (2005),
29 min., chap. 8, no Q&A, new in 2.1.
Capitalism vs. Anticapitalism: Reason vs. Muscle Mysticism (1967), 169 min., chaps. 1, 4, 9, 10; no Q&A, new in 2.0.
Money and Banking (2007), 59 min., chaps. 12 and 19; updated in 2.1.
The Economics of Inflation (2003), 61 min., chap. 19, new in 2.0.
Monetary Reform (2001), 61 min., chap. 19, pt. C, new in 2.0.
Gold: The Solution to Our Monetary Dilemma (1980), 60 min., chap. 19, pt. C.
Interventionism (2003), 61 min., chap. 20, new in 2.0.
Regulating Economic Growth: A Debate (1989), 90 min., chap. 20.
The Path to Sound Money (2007), 63 min., chap. 19, new in 2.1.
The Future of Liberty (2001), no Q&A, 34 min., chap. 20, new in 2.0.
Toward the Establishment of a Capitalist Society (1986), 90 min., chap. 20.


New Lectures in Version 2.1
Why Nazi Germany Was Socialist and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian (2005), 29 min., chap. 8, no Q&A.
The Path to Sound Money (2007), 63 min., chap. 19.
Replacement Lectures in Version 2.1
Environmental and Resource Economics (2007), 60 min., chap. 3. Replaces “Resource Economics and Environmentalism (2001).”
The Benevolence of Capitalism (2006), 65 min., chaps. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19. Replaces “Some Fundamental Insights Into the Benevolent Nature of Capitalism” (2002) and “Why I’m for Free Enterprise” (1982).
Money and Banking (2007), 59 min., chaps. 12 and 19. Replaces Introduction to Money (2001).

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