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PorcFest 2015: Anarchism, for and against: a debate

I’ll be speaking at PorcFest 2015 (Jun. 24-27) on “Intellectual Property: The Root of All Evil”, 5:00pm EST, Fri. June 26.

Earlier that morning, at 10:30am, I’ll be participating in Anarchism, for and against: a debate,” debating Objectivist Will Thomas, with noted Objectivist philosopher David Kelley moderating.

My main writing on anarchy can be found in my rights theory and in my article What It Means To Be an Anarcho-Capitalist. For more resources on related topics, see:

Event description:

Does a commitment to liberty imply a commitment to anarchy, or the total elimination of government? Is a stable, anarchic system of liberty possible or desirable? David Kelley will moderate a debate on these issues between Stephan Kinsella Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom and William Thomas of The Atlas Society.


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David Kelley

Chief Intellectual Officer, The Atlas Society
David Kelley is the founder and Chief Intellectual Officer of The Atlas Society. After earning a Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University in 1975, he joined the philosophy department of Vassar College, where he remained until 1984. He has also taught at Brandeis University as a Visiting Lecturer. Among his books are Unrugged Individualism: The Selfish Basis of Benevolence; The Contested Legacy of Ayn Rand; The Evidence of the Senses, a… Read More →


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Stephan Kinsella

Executive Editor, Libertarian Papers
Stephan Kinsella is a practicing patent attorney and a libertarian writer and speaker. He Founder and Executive Editor of Libertarian Papers, Director of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom (C4SIF). A former adjunct professor at South Texas College of Law, he has published numerous articles and books on IP law, international law, and the application of libertarian principles to legal topics, including Against Intellectual Property… Read More →
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William Thomas

Director of Programs, The Atlas Society – The Center for Objectivism
William R Thomas is Director of Programs at The Atlas Society. He has a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of Michigan, and has served as Lecturer in Economics there and at the University at Albany. He has been a lecturer at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia and conducted research under the auspices of the People’s University of China. He is a graduate of Oberlin College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Thomas is the… Read More →


{ 5 comments… add one }
  • ECharles June 3, 2015, 2:12 pm

    Do you know if this will be available to listen to afterwards? Also, PLEASE PLEASE ask Thomas for clarification about the Objectivist position on secession. Rand says individuals have the “right” to “secede” even in mixed economies (see her essay “Global Balkanization”). If secession is indeed a right as she says, then how should this right be recognized by governing bodies in a free (or semi-free mixed economy) society and how does the practical exercise of this right per Objectivism differ from the delegation/revocation of consent under anarcho-capitalism? Thanks!

  • Kyle Wagner June 26, 2015, 10:52 am

    Rothbard’s Fallacy – calling for law, but no authorities to make and enforce it.

  • ECharles June 26, 2015, 1:56 pm

    Randian Fallacy- the logical necessity for one global government to enforce decisions among all jurisdictional conflicts.

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