The Kinsella on Liberty podcast covers libertarian theory and applications, especially from an Austrian, Rothbardian and anarchist perspective. The podcast is released irregularly, occasionally includes a short monologue or interview or discussion with someone else, but consists mainly of speeches, lectures, and interviews on other podcasts, often on the topic of intellectual property, but on other topics as well.
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- Top Podcast Episodes (Listen Notes)
Background on my general approach to libertarian issues can be found in articles here and blog posts at The Libertarian Standard and C4SIF, such as:
- How I Became A Libertarian, December 18, 2002, (published as “Being a Libertarian” in I Chose Liberty: Autobiographies of Contemporary Libertarians (compiled by Walter Block; Mises Institute 2010))
- “What Libertarianism Is,” Mises Daily (August 21, 2009)
- What It Means To Be an Anarcho-Capitalist, January 20, 2004,
- How We Come To Own Ourselves, Mises Daily (Sep. 7, 2006)
- Causation and Aggression, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, vol. 7, no. 4 (Winter 2004): 97-112
- A Libertarian Theory of Contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises, and Inalienability, Journal of Libertarian Studies 17, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 11-37
- Inalienability and Punishment: A Reply to George Smith, Winter 1998-99, Journal of Libertarian Studies
- Argumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise Guide, Mises Daily (May 27, 2011)
- New Rationalist Directions in Libertarian Rights Theory, 12:2 Journal of Libertarian Studies: 313-26 (Fall 1996)
- Punishment and Proportionality: The Estoppel Approach, 12:1 Journal of Libertarian Studies 51 (Spring 1996).
- Defending Argumentation Ethics: Reply to Murphy & Callahan, (Sept. 19, 2002)
- Montessori, Peace, and Libertarianism, (April 28, 2011)
On IP in particular, which I’ll cover in the podcast (along with other libertarian issues), see:
- C4SIF Resources page;
- The Case Against IP: A Concise Guide
- Against Intellectual Property
- Selected Supplementary Material for Against Intellectual Property
Kinsella On Liberty Show Archives
- KOL455 | Haman Nature Hn 109: Philosophy, Rights, Libertarian and Legal Careers
- KOL454 | Interview with my Patent Mentor, Bill Norvell, about Patent Law and Our Days Together
- KOL453 | Objections to Argumentation Ethics, Libertarian Property Rights, Scarcity, Intellectual Property: Discussion with a Student
- KOL452 | Ethics, Politics, and IP for Engineering Students
- KOL451 | Debating the Nature of Rights on The Rational Egoist (Michael Liebowitz)
- KOL450 | Together Strong IP Discussion (Matthew Sands of Nations of Sanity feat Econ Bro)
- KOL449 | Trademarking the Infinite Banking Concept?
- KOL448 | David Pearce (Tufty the Cat) on nChain and Patent Law
- KOL447 | Audio: Law and Intellectual Property in a Stateless Society
- KOL446 | Audio: Intellectual Property and Libertarianism
- KOL445 | Audio: Is Intellectual Property Legitimate? Three Essays
- KOL444 | Property Rights, Bitcoin, Ideas & Fungibility, with AlexAnarcho
- KOL442 | Together Strong Debate vs. Walter Block on Voluntary Slavery (Matthew Sands of Nations of Sanity)
- KOL441 | The Bitcoin Standard Podcast with Saifedean Ammous: Legal Foundations of a Free Society, Property Rights, Intellectual Property
- KOL440 | The Rational Egoist (Michael Liebowitz): Debating the Moral Status of Intellectual Property: Part IIb
- KOL439 | The Rational Egoist (Michael Liebowitz): Debating the Moral Status of Intellectual Property: Part IIa
- KOL438 | The Rational Egoist (Michael Liebowitz): Debating the Moral Status of Intellectual Property: Part I
- KOL436 | Kelly Patrick Show: Taking Questions from Nonlibertarians
- KOL435 | Austrian Libertarian Association (Spain): Intellectual Property, Libertarians in Politics and Our Differences
- KOL434 | The Rational Egoist: Exploring The Objectivist Ethics
- KOL433 | The Big Questions with Big John—Stephan Kinsella – Austro-Anarchist Libertarian, and anti-IP Lawyer
- KOL432 | Haman Nature 0027: School Choice “Debate”
- KOL431 | The Rational Egoist: Exploring Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethics
- KOL430 | An Insider’s Introduction to Austrian Economics, Bastiat Society—Houston
- KOL429 | Argumentation Ethics, Milei, Bitcoin with Bruno Pires of Brazil
- KOL428 | Bob Murphy Show ep. 316: Rothbard’s Contributions to Legal Theory
- KOL427 | Lewis & Clark College Debate on Intellectual Property Imperialism
- KOL426 | Discussing Immigration and Homesteading Donuts with Matthew Sands of Nations of Sanity
- KOL425 | Haman Nature Ep. 4: Stephan Kinsella dismantles “intellectual” property
- KOL424 | Legal Foundations of a Free Society, “What is Money” with Robert Breedlove
- KOL423 | Haman Nature Ep. 2: Getting Argumentative
- KOL422 | “What Libertarianism Is” (Audio on ManPatria)
- KOL421 | The Local Maximum with Max Sklar: Ep. 297 – The Fallacy of Intellectual Property
- KOL420 | There Ain’t No Intellectual Property: The Personal Story of a Discovery (PFS 2023)
- KOL419 | Soho Forum Debate vs. Corey Deangelis: School Choice
- KOL418 | Corporations, Limited Liability, and the Title Transfer Theory of Contract, with Jeff Barr: Part II
- KOL417: Commentary on Larken Rose, “IP: The Wrong Question”: Part 3
- KOL416: Commentary on Larken Rose, “IP: The Wrong Question”: Part 2
- KOL415: Commentary on Larken Rose, “IP: The Wrong Question”: Part 1
- KOL414 | Corporations, Limited Liability, and the Title Transfer Theory of Contract, with Jeff Barr: Part I
- KOL413 | Café Bitcoin: Private Law, Legal Positivism, and the Administrative State
- KOL412 | IP Law Tutorial, Part 3: Trademark, Trade Secret, and Other
- KOL411 | IP Law Tutorial, Part 2: Copyright Law
- KOL410 | Corrupt Money and Centralization of The State | The Stephan Kinsella Series | Episode 6 (WiM303) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL409 | IP Law Tutorial, Part 1: Patent Law
- KOL408 | Soul of Enterprise #432: Abolishing IP
- KOL407 | Fair Use Discussion with James Cox (2016)
- KOL406 | Why Socialism Can Never Improve the World | The Stephan Kinsella Series | Episode 5 (WiM283) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL405 | The Psychology of Property | The Stephan Kinsella Series | Episode 4 (WiM235) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL404 | Webinar: How Humanity’s Progress Has Been Held Back: The Case Against IP (Intellectual Property) (Freedom Hub Working Group)
- KOL403 | The Bitcoin Group #343: FTX, Nukes and the Environment, Legal Tender in Arizona, ETFs
- KOL401 | Sazmining Twitter Space: Bitcoin & Property Rights
- KOL400 | Ask an Austrian #11: IP, Anarchy, Natural Rights…
- KOL399 | CryptoVoices: Ukraine and Liberalism
- KOL398 | Story and The Power of Control | The Stephan Kinsella Series | Episode 3 (WiM229) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL397 | Libertarian Podcast Review ep. 70: Patently False – Kinsella Defends Hoppe
- KOL396 | Decentralized Revolution #87: The Attacks on Hoppe
- KOL395 | Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection (PFS 2022)
- KOL394 | The Nature of Property, Ep. 2 (WiM216) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL393 | Trying to Talk Some IP Sense into Dennis from Las Vegas
- KOL392 | Café Bitcoin Tuesday
- KOL391 | Hoppe’s A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, Ep. 1 with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL390 | Disenthrall with Patrick Smith: Aggression and Property Rights in the Libertarian Party Platform
- KOL389 | Disenthrall, with Patrick Smith and Larken Rose: The Morality of Copyright “Piracy”
- KOL388 | Cantus Firmus with Cody Cook: Against Intellectual Property
- KOL387 | The Great IP Debate of 1983: McElroy vs. Schulman
- KOL386 | Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm: IP, Bitcoin, NFTs, Digital Ownership
- KOL385 | “Goods, Scarce and Nonscarce” (audio)
- KOL384 | Freedom’s Phoenix with Ernie Hancock at PorcFest: Intellectual Property, Bitcoin, the Mises Caucus and the Reno Reset
- KOL383 | Bitcoin at PorcFest: Patent Trolls, Bitcoin Ownership, the Mises Caucus and the Reno Reset
- KOL382 | FreeTalkLive at PorcFest: Corporations, Limited Liability, and the Reno Reset
- KOL381 | Twitter Spaces with Eric John: Intellectual Property History, Theory and Fallacies
- KOL380 | Tom Jump: Anarchy and Libertarianism
- KOL379 | Tom Woods Show Ep. 2145 – Does Intellectual Property Exist?
- KOL378 | IP Discussion with Objectivist “Voice of Reason”
- KOL377 | No Way Jose Ep. 140: David Friedman Debate Prep: Deontology vs. Consequentialism, Utilitarianism, Natural Rights, Argumentation Ethics, Intellectual Property
- KOL376 | Unorthodox Libertarian Theology: Libertarianism, Rights, Legal Positivism, God, Justice, Hell
- KOL375 | Mentally Unscripted Ep55 – Why IP Laws Destroy Innovation and How Creatives Can Profit Without Them
- KOL374 | The Intellectual Contributions of Hans-Hermann Hoppe: The Great Fiction Podcast Ep. 1
- KOL373 | Against Intellectual Property (audiobook #2)
- KOL372 | Discussing Contract Theory, Restitution, Punishment, with Matthew Sands of Nations of Sanity
- KOL371 | Austrian Economics Discord Conference: Law, Decentralized and Centralized
- KOL370 | “Ask Me Anything,” Lib-Right League Discord Server
- KOL369 | Soho Forum IP Debate Post-Mortem with Greg Morin
- KOL368 | Legislation vs. Law, with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show
- KOL367 | Disenthrall with Patrick Smith: Fisking Strangerous Thoughts’ Critique of “Intellectual Communism”
- KOL366 | NFTS, Soho Forum Debate, Intellectual Property, Etc. on Repeal the 20th Century
- KOL365 | Guest Lecture on IP for Walter Block’s Law and Economics Class
- KOL364 | Soho Forum Debate vs. Richard Epstein: Patent and Copyright Law Should Be Abolished
- KOL363 | Explain Argumentation Ethics to Me Like I’m 5, with Caleb Brown
- KOL362 | California Gold #6, with Matt Sands: Defining Libertarianism, Anarchism and Voluntaryism
- KOL361 | Libertarian Answer Man: Oaths: With Kent Wellington
- KOL360 | Discussion with Isaac Funderburk about College, Careers, IP
- KOL359 | State Constitutions vs. the Libertarian Private Law Code (PFS 2021)
- KOL358 | Peace Radicals Ep. 40, with Marc Victor of Live and Let Live
- KOL357 | Free Man Beyond The Wall Ep. 631 with Pete Quiñones: Biden’s Mandate and Getting to a Hoppean Framework
- KOL356 | Explain Intellectual Property to Me Like I’m 5, with Caleb Brown
- KOL355 | The Bitcoin Group #272 – Bitcoin Could Soar – NBA #1 – Mortgages – Coinbase Buys $500M
- KOL354 | CDA §230, Being “Part of the State,” Co-ownership, Causation, Defamation, with Nick Sinard
- KOL353 | Zoom AMA on IP, Argumentation Ethics, Norms vs. Facts
- KOL352 | Tom Woods Show (Guest Host): Ep. 1942 Investing Tips from a Financial Wiz [Larry Lepard]: How to Survive the Inevitable Demise of Fiat Money
- KOL351 | Tom Woods Show (Guest Host): Ep. 1941 Shane Hazel on the Marines, Liberty and Being a Political “Spoiler”
- KOL350 | Pauls to the Wall with Gene Epstein and Kinsella
- KOL349 | CouchStreams Ep 58 on Break the Cycle with Joshua Smith
- KOL348 | How Would People Save in a Bitcoin World, with Aaron Voisine of BRD
- KOL259-2 | Destination Unknown with Vin Armani and Dave Butler: Government vs. the State, Intellectual Property (New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2019)
- KOL347 | This Time I’m Curious Ep. 1: The Libertarian Movement, AI Rights, UFOs, Music, Movies, Alcohol
- KOL346 | Copyright and Satoshi’s Legacy: The Tatiana Show, with Tatiana Moroz
- KOL345 | Kinsella’s Libertarian “Constitution” or: State Constitutions vs. the Libertarian Private Law Code (PorcFest 2021)
- KOL344 | With Adam Terrell of Theocracy: Copyrights Are Unlawful
- KOL343 | Aborted IP Debate with Nina Prevot; IP and Libertarianism Q&A
- KOL342 | Bitcoin2021 Announcement: Open Crypto Alliance
- KOL341 | ESEADE Lecture: Should We Release Patents on Vaccines? An Overview of Libertarian Property Rights and the Case Against IP
- KOL340 | Politified Official Stephan Kinsella Interview
- KOL339 | Foreword to A Spontaneous Order (audio)
- KOL190-2 | Part 2: On Life without Patents and Copyright: Or, But Who Would Pick the Cotton? — Panel Discussion, Hoppe, Dürr, Kinsella, van Dun, Daniels (PFS 2015)
- KOL336 | Are Patents Actually Harmful? Interview with Dan Engerer
- KOL335 | Institute for Youth in Policy: Anarchy, Copyright, Property Rights
- KOL334 | On Habeas Data with Sebastian
- KOL272-2 | Q&A with Hülsmann, Dürr, Kinsella, Hoppe (PFS 2019)
- KOL333 | Jeff Tucker: Understanding IP: An Interview with Stephan Kinsella (2010)
- KOL332 | The Bitcoin Group #255 – $50K – Morgan Stanley – Wright Lawsuit – Bitcoin is Green
- KOL331 | Phil Gibson: A Boy Named Pseu: Libertarianism, IP, Bitcoin, Austrian Economics, and the Hayekian Knowledge Problem …
- KOL330 | Lift Talks #2 With Kinsella & Sammeroff
- KOL329 | Lift Talks #1 With Kinsella & Sammeroff
- KOL328 | Heterodorx Ep. 10 with Nina Paley: I.P. Everywhere!
- KOL327 | Libertarian Answer Man: Selling vs. Owning: With Shea Fisker
- KOL326 | Scottish Liberty Podcast: Discussing the Mossoff-Sammeroff IP Debate, Take 1: Under the Influence…
- KOL325 | Nate the Voluntaryist Livestream #202: Hoppe, Austrian Economics, and More
- KOL324 | Wake Up Podcast Ep 37 with Aleks Svetski: AnCaps, Libertarians, IP & Bitcoin
- KOL323 | World Crypto Network: Announcing the Open Crypto Alliance to Protect Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto
- KOL322 | Bitcoin Within The Legal System–Crypt0Events, “Future IS Crypto!” Webinar Series
- KOL321 | The Pending Patent Problem with The Open Crypto Alliance – The Tatiana Show Ep. 296
- KOL320 | Stephan Livera Podcast # 249–Bitcoin Patents & Open Crypto Alliance
- KOL319 | The Libertarianism Litmus Test, Part 2 – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone”
- KOL318 | The Libertarianism Litmus Test, Part 1 – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone”
- KOL317 | Decentralized Revolution (LP Mises Caucus Podcast) – Immigration, Gamestop, IP
- KOL316 | Discussion with Peter Schiff about Patent, Copyright, and Bitcoin
- KOL315 | The Rollo and Slappy Show: The Gamestop Short Squeeze
- KOL314 | Patents vs. Bitcoin: The Bitcoin Standard Podcast
- KOL313 | Voluntaryist Haven – Q&A
- KOL312 | Libertarianism in Brief: Response to Anarchy Rising
- KOL311 | Nate the Voluntaryist Livestream #194: IP, the CDA, DMCA, Argumentation Ethics, and More
- KOL310 | Nate the Voluntaryist Livestream #154: Argumentation Ethics, Property Rights, And More!
- KOL309 | Nate the Voluntaryist Livestream #81
- KOL308 | Stossel: It’s My Idea (2015)
- KOL307 | Ernie Hancock Freedom’s Phoenix on IP in the Internet Age
- KOL306 | Jeremiah Talks–IP Discussion
- KOL305 | Disenthrall: Libertarian Law Debate on Social Media Bans with Kinsella Knight and Smith
- KOL304 | Liberty Weekly Podcast Ep. 136
- KOL303 | Free Thought Project Podcast: IP vs. Innovation and Liberty
- KOL302 | Human Action Podcast with Jeff Deist: Hoppe’s Democracy
- KOL301 | Tales from the Crypt: Bitcoin
- KOL300 | What is “the Law”? “Don’t Tread on Anyone”
- KOL299 | Law of Liberty #7: Argumentation Ethics and IP
- KOL298 | We Are Libertarians 457: Path to Libertarianism
- KOL297 | Bitcoin Audible Chat #46 – Intellectual Property in the Age of Bitcoin
- KOL296 | “My Peeps”-On Today’s Libertarians-LocoFoco Podcast, with Timo Virkkala
- KOL295 | Bitcoin Fixes This #7: Intellectual Property and Bitcoin
- KOL294 | Burning Boots Liberty – IP and Abandoning Property
- KOL293 | Faith and Free Will, with Steve Mendelsohn
- KOL292 | What It Means to be an Anarchist-Libertarian
- KOL291 | LocoFoco–NOT talking about “legal positivism”
- KOL290 | Liberty412: On A Coronavirus Vaccine, Anarchy In Our Lifetime, IP, and More
- KOL289 | Scottish Liberty Podcast: Discussing the Mossoff-Sammeroff IP Debate, Take 2: A Sober Conversation…
- KOL288 | Libertarianism Q&A AMA Coronavirus edition #2
- KOL287 | Libertarianism Q&A AMA Coronavirus edition #1
- KOL286 | Tom Woods Show: On Coronavirus, My Road to Libertarianism, and the Good and Bad in Ayn Rand
- KOL285 | Disenthrall: Contracts with Stephan Kinsella
- KOL284 | Talking IP and Patent Policy with Patent Attorney Russ Krajec
- KOL283 | Webinar: Has Intellectual Property Become Corporate Welfare? (Freedom Hub Working Group)
- KOL282 | No, China Is Not “Stealing Our I.P.”
- KOL281 | Death to Tyrants Podcast: Against Intellectual Property (Buck Johnson)
- KOL280 | Fallible Animals Ep. 12: Property Rights, Argumentation Ethics, and Praxeology, with Logan Chipkin
- KOL278 | Bob Murphy Show: Debating Hans Hoppe’s “Argumentation Ethics”
- KOL277 | AFF Phoenix Debate: Intellectual Property Rights: Yay or Nay?
- KOL276 | La Sierra University: Abolish Intellectual Property Law
- KOL275 | Did You Know Crypto Podcast, Ep. 54: You Don’t Own Your Bitcoin
- KOL274 | Nobody Owns Bitcoin (PFS 2019)
- KOL273 | Peter Quinones Interview on Argumentation Ethics
- KOL272 | Ernie Hancock Freedom’s Phoenix on Reputation Rights, Defamation, IP
- KOL271 | Let’s Talk ETC! Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism & Blockchains
- KOL270 | Corbett Report: Law Without The State
- KOL269 | Jack Criss: Now. See. Hear: A Talk with Kinsella
- KOL268 | Bob Murphy Show: Law Without the State, and the Illegitimacy of IP
- KOL267 | Sal the Agorist Interview: Bitcoin, Copyright, Craig Wright
- KOL266 | Did You Know Crypto Podcast, Ep. 36: Bitcoin Patent Trolling
- KOL265 | Converting a Bitcoiner to the Cause of IP Righteousness
- KOL264 | Disenthrall: Stephan Kinsella on Tim Pool Subverse and Trademark
- KOL263 | Hoppe on Property Rights, “Panel: The Significance of Hans-Hermann Hoppe”
- KOL262 | My Comments on the Venture Stories Podcast Episode
- KOL261 | Venture Stories Podcast Debating Austrian Economics, Libertarianism, and Bitcoin with Noah Smith
- KOL260 | Discussion with LP Chair Nicholas Sarwark about the Fourteenth Amendment
- KOL259 | “How To Think About Property,” New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2019
- KOL258 | Liberty Forum Debate vs. Daniel Garza: Immigration Reform: Open Borders or Build the Wall?
- KOL257 | PeterMac Show: Part 3 of 3
- KOL256 | PeterMac Show: Part 2 of 3
- KOL255 | PeterMac Show: Part 1 of 3
- KOL254 | Interviewing Tom Woods About Getting Into Harvard
- KOL253 | Berkeley Law Federalist Society: A Libertarian’s Case Against Intellectual Property
- KOL252 | Death to Tyrants Podcast: Human Rights, Property Rights and Copyrights (Buck Johnson)
- KOL251 | Creative Juice EP66: The Shocking Case For Abolishing Copyright Laws
- KOL250 | International Law Through a Libertarian Lens (PFS 2018)
- KOL249 | WCN’s Max Hillebrand: Intellectual Property and Who Owns Bitcoin
- KOL248 | Stephan Livera Podcast 15 – Intellectual Property, Bitcoin, and Internet Censorship
- KOL247 | Free Talk Live and Mark Edge on Intellectual Property and DMCA Takedowns
- KOL246 | CryptoVoices: Bitcoin as Property, Digital Goods, Personal Liberty, and Intellectual Property
- KOL245 | Nothing Exempt: Intellectual Property
- KOL244 | “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice Ep. 001: Intellectual Property, Prostate Cancer
- KOL243 | Libertarian Christians Podcast with Norman Horn: Intellectual Property
- KOL242 | Punching Left: Argumentation Ethics and Estoppel
- KOL241 | Dave Smith’s Part of the Problem Show: Libertarian Property Theory
- KOL240 | Cameron Talks Science: Patents and Paywalls: How IP Stifles Scientific Innovation
- KOL239 | Jeffrey Tucker & Stephan Kinsella Ramble about “Walk the walk and talk the talk”
- KOL238 | Libertopia 2012 IP Panel with Charles Johnson and Butler Shaffer
- KOL237 | Intellectual Nonsense: Fallacious Arguments for IP—Part 2 (Libertopia 2012)
- KOL236 | Intellectual Nonsense: Fallacious Arguments for IP (Libertopia 2012)
- KOL235 | Intellectual Property: A First Principles Debate (Federalist Society POLICYbrief)
- KOL234 | Vin Armani Show: Live from London: Kinsella vs. Craig Wright Debate on Intellectual Property
- KOL233 | Mises UK Podcast: Bitcoin Ownership and the Global Withering of the State
- KOL232 | What is Libertarianism? – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone”
- KOL231 | Let’s Talk Ethereum—Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism & Blockchains
- KOL230 | Yale Political Union Debate: Resolved: IP Should Be Abolished!
- KOL229 | Ernie Hancock Show: IP Debate with Alan Korwin
- KOL228 | Argumentation Ethics – Lions of Liberty
- KOL227 | VJ Live! Interview: Owning Thoughts, Intellectual Property, and the Toy Helicopter Controversy
- KOL226 | Grosse Freiheit TV Interview: Private Law in a Libertarian Society
- KOL225 | Reflections on the Theory of Contract (PFS 2017)
- KOL224 | Tom Woods Show Ep. 998 Against the Haters: The Brilliance of Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- KOL223 | Our Interesting Times Interview about Intellectual Property
- KOL222 | Mises Brasil: Intellectual Property Imperialism Versus Innovation and Freedom
- KOL221 | Mises Brasil: State Legislation Versus Law and Liberty
- KOL220 | Future Gravy Interview about Blockstream and the Defensive Patent License
- KOL219 | Property: What It Is and Isn’t: Houston Property Rights Association
- KOL218 | Argumentation Ethics – Patterson in Pursuit
- KOL217 | Intellectual Property is the Bastard Child of the Gatekeepers
- KOL216 | Morehouse Interview: Why Intellectual Property Sucks
- KOL215 | Latter-Day Liberty Podcast: Intellectual Property
- KOL214 | Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Episode 97
- KOL213 | Praise of Folly Podcast Episode #21: Debate with Todd Lewis: Is the NAP and Self-Ownership Principle True
- KOL212 | Ask a Libertarian: Anarcho-Capitalism
- KOL211 | Corporations and the Corporate Form
- KOL210 | Ask a Libertarian: Lafayette County LP
- KOL209 | Trying to Persuade a Patent Lawyer that IP Law is Evil
- KOL208 | Conversation with Schulman about Logorights and Media-Carried Property
- KOL207 | Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Are Not About Plagiarism, Theft, Fraud, or Contract
- KOL206 | Tom Woods Show: Five Mistakes Libertarians Make
- KOL205 | Austrian AV Club Interview—Mises Institute Canada: Net Neutrality, Internet freedom, SOPA, ACTA, child pornography, terrorism, online gambling (2012)
- KOL204 | Outside the Music Box Interview: The Ins and Outs of Intellectual Property
- KOL203 | Libertarian Theory Q&A – Facebook Live: verbal threats as assault, assault and battery, causality, praxeology, etc.
- KOL202 | Tom Woods Show: Why Are Some Libertarians Rejecting the Nonaggression Principle?
- KOL201 | Mid-Life Criss Podcast: IP and Anarchy
- KOL200 | Anarchist Standard Interview: Anarchy, AI, Religion, and the Prospects for Liberty
- KOL199 | Tom Woods Show: The State’s Corruption of Private Law, or We Don’t Need No Legislature
- KOL198 | Intellectual Property as Limits on Property; Trade Secrets and Contract
- KOL197 | Tom Woods Show: The Central Rothbard Contribution I Overlooked, and Why It Matters: The Rothbard-Evers Title-Transfer Theory of Contract
- KOL196 | The Jason Stapleton Program: Intellectual Property: A Libertarian Debate
- KOL195 | The 21st Century Anarchist Podcast Ep. 038: IP and Libertarianism with Stephan Kinsella
- KOL194 | Conversation with Parents about Libertarianism and Politics
- KOL193 | The Economy with Albert Lu: On IP and Double Counting (3/3)
- KOL192 | The Economy with Albert Lu: On the Legal Significance of Ownership (2/3)
- KOL191 | The Economy with Albert Lu: Can You Own Bitcoin? (1/3)
- KOL190 | On Life without Patents and Copyright: Or, But Who Would Pick the Cotton? (PFS 2015)
- KOL189 | Defining and Promoting Libertarianism—Interview by Richard Storey
- KOL188 | Free Talk Live on Restitution, Punishment, and the Common Law
- KOL187 | Anarchast with Jeff Berwick Discussing IP, Anarcho-libertarianism, and Legislation vs. Private Law (2012)
- KOL186 | The Great IP Debate: Stephan Kinsella vs. Alexander Baker (2014)
- KOL185: Clarifying Libertarian Theory (, July 2014)
- KOL184 | Intellectual Property is the Root of All Evil (PorcFest 2015)
- KOL183: Stephan Kinsella vs. William Thomas: Anarchism: For And Against: A Debate (PorcFest 2015)
- KOL182 | Molyneux, Kinsella, and a Student: An Introduction to Libertarian Ethics (2014)
- KOL181 | Tom Woods Show: It Is Impossible to Argue Against Libertarianism Without Contradiction
- KOL180 | Tucker and Kinsella on Against Intellectual Property
- KOL179 | Did “Blurred Lines” Steal from “Got to Give It Up”? Stephan Kinsella and Jeffrey Tucker
- KOL178 | Emancipated Human Interview: Corporations, Intellectual Property, and more
- KOL177 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 6: The Future; Integrating IP Theory With Austrian Economics and Libertarian Theory; Proposed Reforms; Imagining A Post-IP World; The Future of Open Vs. Closed” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL176 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 5: Property, Scarcity and Ideas; Examining Rights-Based Arguments for IP” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL175 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 4: IP Statutes and Treaties; Overview of Justifications for IP; Property, Scarcity and Ideas; Rights-based Arguments for IP; Creation as a Source of Rights” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL174 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 3: Examining the Utilitarian Case for IP” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL173 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 2: Overview of Justifications for IP; Property, Scarcity, and Ideas” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL172 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 1: History and Law” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL171 | With Albert Lu Discussing Stossel and IP
- KOL170 | Tom Woods Show: Are Corporations Unlibertarian?
- KOL169 | Daniel Rothschild Interview: The Origins and Purpose of Property Rights
- KOL168 | Jeffrey Tucker Interviews Stephan Kinsella on Samsung-Apple trial (2012)
- KOL167 | Speaking On Liberty (2012)
- KOL166 | Peter Schiff Show with Jeff Tucker: Patent Law (2012)
- KOL165 | Austrian AV Club Interview—Mises Institute Canada: Intellectual Property, Rand, “Creationism” (2012)
- KOL164 | Obama’s Patent Reform: Improvement or Continuing Calamity?: Mises Academy (2011)
- KOL163 | CTIR Interview on Intellectual Property
- KOL162 | Interview on IP and libertarianism by Fabrizio Sitzia, (Italy) (2012)
- KOL161 | Argumentation Ethics, Estoppel, and Libertarian Rights: Adam Smith Forum, Moscow (2014)
- KOL160 | Bad Quaker on IP, Hoppe, and Immigration
- KOL159 | Seminar: “Practical Solutions to the IP Trap”
- KOL158 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 6: Political Issues and Applications; Hoppe Q&A”
- KOL157 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 5: Economic Issues and Applications”
- KOL156 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 4: Epistemology, Methodology, and Dualism; Knowledge, Certainty, Logical Positivism”
- KOL155 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 3: Libertarian Rights and Argumentation Ethics”
- KOL154 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 2: Types of Socialism and the Origin of the State”
- KOL153 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 1: Property Foundations” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL152 | NYC LibertyFest: “Libertarianism After Fifty Years: What Have We Learned?”
- KOL151 | Yale Speech: Balancing Intellectual Property Rights and Civil Liberties: A Libertarian Perspective
- KOL150 | Greening Out Interviews Episode 10
- KOL149 | IP And Beyond With Stephan Kinsella – Non-Aggression Podcast
- KOL148 | Freedom Feens: Stephan Kinsella Battles The Copyright Zombies And Patent Trolls
- KOL147 | Tom Woods Show: Patents and Liberty
- KOL146 | Interview of Williamson Evers on the Title-Transfer Theory of Contract
- KOL145 | Peace, Love and Liberty Radio
- KOL144 | Corbett Report Radio (2012)
- KOL143 | Liberty Conspiracy with Gardner Goldsmith (2012)
- KOL142 | Interview with David Hutzelman Discussing IP and SOPA
- KOL141 | FreeTalkLive: IP and SOPA (2012)
- KOL140 | Liberty Underground Radio (2012)
- KOL139 | Power and Market Report with Albert Lu
- KOL138 | Bad Quaker Interview: Getting Even, Tesla and Patents, Libertarianism and Property Rights
- KOL137 | Why Be Libertarian?: Daniel Rothschild Live Free, Die Old Hangout
- KOL136 | Children’s Rights, Spanking, and Libertarianism: Truth Over Comfort Podcast
- KOL135 | Life, Liberty and Proper Tea
- KOL134 | This Week in Law 267: Eleemosynary, My Dear Watson
- KOL133 | IP Bonanza on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
- KOL132 | AMA with Shanklin
- KOL131 | Tesla Embraces Competition: Case of Patents Foregone
- KOL130 | Bad Quaker: Kinsella and Tucker on Abortion, …
- KOL129 | Speech to Montessori Students: “The Story of Law: What Is Law, and Where Does it Come From?”
- KOL128 | “The Peter Mac Show,” discussing the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) (2012)
- KOL127 | FreeDomainRadio with Stefan Molyneux: SOPA, Piracy, Censorship and the End of the Internet? (2011)
- KOL126 | Intellectual Property and Economic Development (Mises University 2011)
- KOL125 | The Evils of IP with Stephan Kinsella (Richard Heathen)
- KOL124 | Patriot’s Lament Radio (Alaska) with Joshua Bennett: Anarchy, the State, Law, Rights and Order
- KOL123 | Debate with Jan Helfeld on Anarchy vs. Limited Government
- KOL122 | Ed and Ethan Show: Net Neutrality, Aereo and copyright, Patents in Texas
- KOL121 | Better Red than Dead with Redmond Weissenberger: Copyright and Easter Egg Servitudes, and more
- KOL120 | Computer Software, IP, and the Nature of Property Rights
- KOL119 | Libertarian and Anarchist Concepts and Basics with Harrison Fischberg: Part 1
- KOL118 | Tom Woods Show: Against Fuzzy Thinking
- KOL117 | Liberty Talk 004: Tucker & Kinsella on Property Rights in the Digital Age
- KOL116 | Voluntary Virtues with Michael Shanklin: Fraud, Contract
- KOL115 | Mises Canada Austrian AV Club—Kinsella and the Corporation on Trial (2012)
- KOL114 | Introduction to Libertarian Ethics: Discussion with Stefan Molyneux and Harrison Fischberg
- KOL113 | “Argumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise Guide” (Audio)
- KOL112 | Jack Criss Interview on the Voucher System (1989)
- KOL111 | Interview with Daniel Rothschild: on Name-branding, trade secrets, voluntary slavery, and more
- KOL110 | Ed and Ethan Show: Trans-Pacific Partnership
- KOL109 | Liberty Talk 005: Adam Kokesh,, 3D Printing, IP
- KOL108 | “Why ‘Intellectual Property’ is not Genuine Property,” Adam Smith Forum, Moscow (2011)
- KOL107 | Adam vs. the Man: Copyright, Neo-Mercantilism, and the 4th Amendment (2011)
- KOL106 | Peter Schiff Show: Obamacare, Patent Reform
- KOL105 | Open Mike with John McGinnis: America Invents Act (2011)
- KOL104 | This Week in Law 97: God Creates. We Patent. IP, Net Neutrality, etc (2011)
- KOL103 | This Week in Law 133: Beyonce, Bad Laws, and Breastaurants (2011)
- KOL102 | Intellectual Property Law in Canada, Eh?: Ed and Ethan Podcast (2012)
- KOL101 | The Future (the End?) of Intellectual Property (Open Science Summit, 2011)
- KOL100 | The Role of the Corporation and Limited Liability In a Free Society (PFS 2013)
- KOL099 | Agora I/O: The Liberty Unconference: Open Source Agorism: Prosper Without Patents or Copyrights (2011)
- KOL098 | Nomad Capitalist Interview: IP, Shark Tank, Houston
- KOL097 | Double Crossed with Chuck Horton (IP)
- KOL096 | Live For Liberty with Blake Westlake and Chris Horan: IP (2012)
- KOL095 | Interview with Daniel Rothschild on Children’s Rights, Aggression, Contract Theory, Self-Ownership, Voluntary Slavery, and More
- KOL094 | Liberty Talk 004: Cody Wilson on 3D Printing, the Liberator (3D gun), Dark Wallet, Intellectual Property, and Control of Information by the State
- KOL093 | Liberty Talk 003: Tucker & Kinsella Talk with a Fired Cop
- KOL092 | Triple-V: Voluntary Virtues Vodcast, with Michael Shanklin: Can You Trade Something You Don’t Own?
- KOL091 | Liberty Talk 002: Sheldon Richman on IP
- KOL090 | Liberty on the Rocks-Houston: Intellectual Property
- KOL089 | Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock radio: Intellectual Property, L. Neil Smith
- KOL088 | Liberty Talk 001: For A New Libertarianism
- KOL087 | Voluntary Virtues Round Table Molyneux, Zeitgeist Etc.
- KOL086 | RARE Radio interview with Kurt Wallace: The War on Bitcoin
- KOL085 | The History, Meaning, and Future of Legal Tender (Crypto-Currency Conference, Atlanta, 2013)
- KOL084 | Bad Quaker Interview re the State, Government, Intellectual Property
- KOL083 | Interview with Daniel Rothschild on Intellectual Property, Government, National Defense, and Other Scams
- KOL082 | FreeTalkLive Guest Appearance: IP (2011)
- KOL081 | Adam vs. the Man: Drug Patents (2011)
- KOL080 | Adam vs. the Man: “Understanding Intellectual Property Law” (2011)
- KOL079 | “Federalist Society IP Debate (Ohio State)” (2011)
- KOL078 | Lions of Liberty Podcast Inaugural Episode: Intellectual Property
- KOL077 | The Unique Libertarian Framework: Homesteading, Scarcity, Conflict, Property Rights
- KOL076 | IP Debate with Chris LeRoux
- KOL075 | Triple-V: Voluntary Virtues Vodcast, with Michael Shanklin: Argumentation Ethics, Homesteading, Private vs Personal Property
- KOL074 | The Libertarian: Interview Argumentation Ethics, Immigration, Libertarian Property Theory
- KOL073 | Freedom Feens Radio: The Libertarian Macho Flash Edition
- KOL072 | Vrijheid Radio Interview: libertarian property theory, Locke, labor, intellectual property
- KOL071 | “Intellectual Property Law and Policy” at NYU School of Law Symposium (2011)
- KOL070 | Interview on Red Ice Radio (Sweden) about Libertarianism, Property Rights, IP
- KOL069 | Thinking Liberty Interview on IP (2011)
- KOL068 | James Cox: Why Man Made Law Is Slavery!
- KOL067 | Patent and Copyright are Unconstitutional!
- KOL066 | LiveFreeFM with Nathan Fraser
- KOL065 | Guest on The Medical Freedom Report, with Michael Ostrolenk: Patents on Medical Technology and Pharmaceuticals (Feb. 24, 2011)
- KOL064 | The Katherine Albrecht Radio Show, discussing Net Neutrality (Dec. 22, 2010)
- KOL063 | “Live and Let Live” radio show with Gary Johnson discussing IP (Nov. 14, 2010)
- KOL062 | “Intellectual Freedom and Learning versus Patent and Copyright” (University of Texas, Austin, 2010)
- KOL061 | “How Intellectual Property Hampers Capitalism” (Mises Institute 2010)
- KOL060 | Guest on Ernest Hancock’s Declare Your Independence radio show: intellectual property and libertarianism (2010)
- KOL059 | Libertarian Parenting—Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux (2010)
- KOL058 | Guest on Gene Basler Show: Anarcho-capitalist issues (2010)
- KOL057 | Guest on The Peter Mac Show: “Capitalism,” Anarchy, IP and other topics (2010)
- KOL056 | Guest on Anarchy Time with James Cox: Immigration Issues (2010)
- KOL055 | The Voluntary Life Author Interview: Stephan Kinsella on Against Intellectual Property (2010)
- KOL054 | “Ideas are Free: The Case Against Intellectual Property: or, How Libertarians Went Wrong” (PFS 2010, Property and Freedom Society)
- KOL053 | Author’s Forum: Property, Freedom and Society, Austrian Scholars Conference (2010)
- KOL052 | Renegade Variety Hour: “Being Good Without God”
- KOL051 | Discussion with a Fellow Patent Attorney
- KOL050 | “Libertarian Controversies Lecture 6” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL049 | “Libertarian Controversies Lecture 5” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL048 | “Libertarian Controversies Lecture 4” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL047 | “Libertarian Controversies Lecture 3” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL046 | “Libertarian Controversies Lecture 2” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL045 | “Libertarian Controversies Lecture 1” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL044 | “Correcting some Common Libertarian Misconceptions” (PFS 2011)
- KOL043 | Triple-V: Voluntary Virtues Vodcast, with Michael Shanklin: Bitcoin, Legal Reform, Morality of Voting, Rothbard on Copyright
- KOL042 | “Estoppel: A New Justification for Individual Rights” (audio)
- KOL041 | Bad Quaker Interview re (what else?) Intellectual Property
- KOL040 | INTERVIEW: Alexander Baker: Discussion with a Pro-Intellectual Property Libertarian
- KOL039 | Renegade Variety Hour (Intellectual Property)
- KOL038 | Debate with Robert Wenzel on Intellectual Property
- KOL037 | Locke’s Big Mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Political Theory
- KOL036 | Rothbardian Circle Q&A: Lockean Homesteading
- KOL035 | Antiwar Interview: Federalism, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Sentimentalism, IP (2010)
- KOL034 | “Mental Self Defense” Radio with Jake Shannon on Intellectual Property
- KOL033 | Free Talk Live Interview on Reducing IP Costs (2010)
- KOL032 | On the Bill Handel Show Discussing Blackmail, Tiger Woods, David Letterman (2009)
- KOL031 | Smash Walls Radio Podcast: Episode 9: Patent Shenanigans
- KOL030 | Interview with Derek Khanna: Republican Study Committee Copyright Reform Proposal
- KOL029 | First Degree Liberty Interview: Argumentation Ethics and the Title-Transfer Theory of Contract
- KOL028 | The Liberty Movement, Past And Present: Recollections With A Friend From The Beginning (Jack Criss)
- KOL027 | The Peter Mac Show (2009, discussing IP)
- KOL026 | FreeDomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux discussing Corporations and Limited Liability
- KOL025 | Triple-V: Voluntary Virtues Vodcast, with Michael Shanklin: Intellectual Property, Ron Paul vs RonPaul.Com, Aaron Swartz, Corporatism
- KOL024 | Daniels, Kinsella, Marks, Hoppe, Tucker: “Discussion, Q&A” (PFS 2012, Day 3)
- KOL023 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society: Lecture 6: Applications Continued; Common Libertarian Mistakes (Fraud Etc.)” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL022b | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 5b: Q&A” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL022 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 5: Intellectual Property and Related” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL021 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 4: Causation, Aggression, Responsibility” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL020 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society: Lecture 3: Applications I: Legal Systems, Contract, Fraud” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL019 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 2: Libertarian Basics: Rights and Law-Continued” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL018 | “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society, Lecture 1: Libertarian Basics: Rights and Law” (Mises Academy, 2011)
- KOL017 | Liberty Beat Interview (Intellectual Property and cetera)
- KOL016 | Ron Paul vs. Adam Vs. The Man Interview
- KOL015 | “Interview by Matt Cockerill of Young Americans for Liberty” (2009)
- KOL014 | “Israelis vs. Arabs: What’s the solution?”, Libertarian Politics Live, with Eric Dondero (2007)
- KOL013 | “Intellectual Property and Libertarianism,” Mises University 2009
- KOL012 | “The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism,” Austrian Scholars Conference 2008
- KOL011 | “Intellectual ‘Property'” (The Lew Rockwell Show, Sept. 24, 2008)
- KOL010 | Decline to State Aftershow: Q&A
- KOL009 | Decline to State Interview: Intellectual Property, Anarchy
- KOL008 | Against Intellectual Property (audiobook)
- KOL007 | “What It Means To Be an Anarcho-Capitalist” (audio)
- KOL006 | “How We Come To Own Ourselves” (audio)
- KOL005 | “What Libertarianism Is” (audio version)
- KOL004 | Interview with Walter Block on Voluntary Slavery and Inalienability
- KOL003 | Prometheus Unbound Interview (intellectual property; science fiction)
- KOL002 | “Do patents and copyrights undermine private property?: Yes,” Insight magazine (2001)
- KOL001 | “The (State’s) Corruption of (Private) Law” (PFS 2012)
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